Starlift Steel Orchestra - Sparrow's "Jane"(1969)

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From the 1969 panorama championship album "Starlift Steels the Show", here is Sparrow's "Jane"All arrangements on this album were by Ray Holman, who was also the musical director.

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  • The genius, Ray, was no more than about 22 when he did this amazingly musically mature arrangement

  • This is a 1969 recording of Starliff/Ray 1968 panorama 2nd place.

  • Born and raise around Starlift,George Bailey,Silver Stars and Invaders,well this was carnival to the bone. Ray's Saga.              

  • Good real good memories of Starlift.

  • Memories of my StarLift days.

  • Cool. I enjoy listening to these older pieces - fun to play and fun to listen and reminisce.

  • Memories of my first cutasse for Pan from my parents. Those were the days.

  • This rendition is one reason  I 'm  always a Starlift fan.

  • Glenroy,

    I love you. I love you. Iove you.  That is one heck of a blast from the past.  Now I will have to mop up the tears on the floor.  Memories light the colours of my mind.  Why did we have to grow up?  Thank you.

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