Steel Drum Band, Welsh

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At the beginning of the Wales rugby world cup games there was an awesome steel drum band.

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  • Looking .enjoying and being astonished at the performance of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Force Band, the mixture of the steelpan, brass and drums,to be honest this is a living example of a god given  gift given to Trinbago,,, now i can be very stubborn sometimes,,to the point,,i hope that the Minister of Culture and the others that are responsible for the maintainance and up keep of this invaluable culture  do their duty with deligence,not leaving out  all steelpan tuners,,arrangers and players they ought to be taken care of also without a fuss, a fight or a sour face.amen.
  • There is a nuanced difference between what passes for touristic-influenced "doudouism" from our colonial past vs. the modern culture, which we trinis appreciate the respect and treatment...  "merci infiniment"...
  • I have to add that I'm glad that ppl like the Red, White & Black outfit, since it was a long discussion. This is not our flag, this is not our country, even if we love it bad bad. So i'm glad people see it as a tribute, because this is what it is: a tribute. We just can not understand why so much foreign bands like us use "flower shirts", "farmer hats" & things, this is pointless, and it's also a misunderstand of this country culture & life, in my opinion. Too much "cliché"
  • @grjoseph



    playin around d neck is lot of fun, in d street with people, pan for the people! hard though, when you have to hold d pan and play for 3hours: ouch! We're just trying to share the good vibes some of us already experienced in T&T... from the early morning bomb tunes with a sweet riddim groove, eatin doubles or ah roti, stag or carib, drinkin hennessy like water... and the people of T&T who gave a lot to the world music artform. It's important for us to keep that in mind, even if we play with our own style or skill level!


    and also the fact is that our steelband has more job with the neck band than conventionnal :)


    greetings from france

  • Reminds me of Nostalgia Steel Band from London, England...


  • @calypsocamaniac:

    Thanks for clarifying.

    We assumed that the band was from Whales.

    Congrats on your fine job of upholding the "Pan round neck" tradition !
  • This band is "Calyps'Atlantic" and comes from Nantes (France). This was for the 2007 rugby world cup in france just before a game of the Wales team.  we do plenty pan around the neck things, and yes our backs are almost dead :)
  • ........more evidence of universal PAN, and the love it engenders.
  • Nice and rootsy! :-)
  • Welsh "pan round neck" steelband sporting Trini colors, playing "Black man come out to party".

    Love it!!
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