Stormy Weather by The Dutchy brothers.

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Stormy Weather was a big hit for the Dutchy Brothers dance band of San Fernando in the early sixties.Originally sang by Ethel Waters at the Cotton Club of Harlem in 1933 , this song became a standard , covered by diverse artists as Frank Sinatra ,Etta James , Billy Holiday and Lena Horne , to name a few.I remember this Dutchy Brothers hit occupying the Trinidad music charts for quite some time , as it was an extremely popular dance and party hit back then.As kids , the Dutchys were musical prodigies, often featured on the popular children's show of that era , The Auntie Kay Show.From left to right in photo :Leonard Louis "Dutchy" De Vlugt, father of all following;Ottmar, pianist;Rudolph, drummer;Orville, guitarist;Peter, saxophonist, and band leader in adulthood;Angela and Dorinda, their sisters;Leo De Vlugt, saxophonist and percussionist;and Eugene De Vlugt, bass guitarist.As requested , here are the Dutchy brothers and "Stormy Weather"

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  • Glenroy, this is a picture which all fans of the Dutchy Bros. should copy and keep for posterity. I was a huge fan of the Band. As a matter of fact, after the band broke up, Pete was working for a very dear friend of mine who he knew from childhood, and I was fortunate to get a CD of all the tunes which the band recorded. My two favourite tunes were Stormy Weather and Caramellos. Correct me if I am wrong, but was Dutchy Bros the first band to amplify their equipment on the road for Carnival when they broke down town with Caramellos and was it the mid 60s when this occured?

  • From left to right:
    Leonard Louis "Dutchy" De Vlugt, father of all following;
    Ottmar, pianist;
    Rudolph, drummer;
    Orville, guitarist;
    Peter, saxophonist, and band leader in adulthood;
    Angela and Dorinda, their sisters;
    Leo De Vlugt, saxophonist and percusssionist;
    and Eugene De Vlugt, bass guitarist.

  • Hey Glenroy, thank you so much for the original of "Stormy Weather" by the Dutchy Bros. I recall dancing with them at Perseverance Hall up in Maraval in the late sixties just before joining The Mano Marcelin Band.

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