Takin' A Chance--Hazel Scott

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Hazel shows 'em how! What a performer, not to mention beautiful! With Mr. Red Callender on Bass

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  • Pan Times ought to be highly commended for the posting of the videos featuring Hazel Scott. I must admit that I have never heard of her, but, I was completely blown away by viewing Ms. Hazel Scott's performance on the piano with such astounding mastery and wizardry. She was definitely a child prodigy, and the fact that she was admitted to The Juilliard School of Music, meant that she was exceptionally talented and gifted. In addition to her musical talents, she was blessed with extraordinary beauty and intellect. Her singing in French was of impeccable quality. She was American by choice, as she admitted, but she was Trinidadian, by birth. Though she has long passed, Hazel Scott should be revered and remembered as one of Trinidad and Tobago's world-renowned pianist, singer and musician. A daughter of the soil , of whom we should be deservedly proud.

  • ONE  WORD.  MAGNIFICENT.  especially the stride piano style middle piece (and  shes beautiful too)  paddy corea

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