Texaco West Stars 1966 ..wmv

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In Celebration of " Women In Pan " Month of March I have Posted this Photo to Honor our two Female Players from the era of the late 60's , they being Heloise...

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  • Thanks for the kind comments GRJ for one thing I would say made us that way was the discipline which we learned from Raphael Passey our first Arranger and then his Brother Steve Regis. They were both accomplished Pannist and held in very high esteem in our community so as youths they were the Big Brothers we all looked up to.

  • Around that time, some friends worked at the Texaco Staff Club as waiters, and on occasion I would accompany them on a part time gig.

    The Texaco West stars of that era regularly played there, and I remembered them as a very polished and professional steelband.

    I particularly remember Miss Steele, since attractive young women were a rarity in steelband back in those days.

  • The film was made and was aired on ttt at least once in September 1967. I remember because my girl friend at the time saw it.
  • This photo may be 1965. I do not recall Jackie being in the band in 1966. She certainly did not play in the Festival and u remember a big fuss being made about Ray (front page color photo in Mirror or Expeess). I also do not remember her for carnival 1966
  • Pixie I do remember making the Film but I believe that the Project was cancelled soon after and the film was not published . Great times though . I have posted the records that we made so you can check them out on You Tube and WST . Thanks .

  • To Carter: I think you are right (that it is Carol and not myself). I may not have been in this photo. Do you remember doing a film in 1966, somewhere in Springvale overlooking the sea? We played Terror's "Last year's happinness" for the recording.


  • Pixie the Player to the right of Mr. Steele is his big son Carol .I would post a Pic of the 1966 Festival with you and Robin soon .

  • That's right Gerard . Sparks was a dedicated, hard working Captain whose contribution was enormous and I can easily say that he is a True Lover of Pan . I know that is playing with Starlift in POS and still lives in San Fernando so this alone speaks for the Panman that he is .

  • I am in that picture. I remember we were filmed at that location playing Terror's "Real happiness". The two ladies played the guitar pan ("Grundigs") but were brought to the front for this picture. I believe that I am the young (14 year old) "red man" standing next to the Manager, Darnley Steele Snr, behind our "trapsman" Gilbert. Steve Regis, the arranger, is in front of me on double tenor. I recognize also Edsel McCaskie (forgive the possible incorrect spelling), Steve Reecce (behind Jackie), "Mugs" (behind Steve Reece) and "Cobo Jack" (on Tumba).

  • The tone of the front line sounds nice for 1966. An elderly gentleman of our band Starlift says that he once played and captained the band and did a bit of tuning. His name: Fitzgerald Sparks.

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