THE CLARENCE CURVAN ORCHESTRA "I wish I didn't love you so"

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Mr Clarence Curvan is a member of this forum, and I think it is only right that I pay him some respect, since his band's music ushered me into adulthood and affected my entire life.His arranger was Beverly Griffith who served double duty as also the arranger for Desperadoes Steel Orchestra, a band he arranges for to this day..So it is with great love and respect that I present a sample of the music of the Clarence Curvan Orchestra, for those who were there back then, and for those who never had the opportunity to enjoy the music.Thank you, Clarence Curvan

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  • yes.  i was  there too.thanks  for  the  memories  ,we were born in the  right place and  time,you had me going through  my  old  records to find  some  of  Clarence's albums...thanks  again .

  • Thank you, Michaele, I hate to be chauvinistic about it , but if I had to pick a time and place to be born I couldn't have done better.

    I know we all tend to get nostalgic as we get older, but the fact is most of us who grew up in Trinidad in the fifties and sixties look back at that time with fond remembrance, even though many of us grew up under relatively challenging economic circumstances.

    We may have been financially poor, but we certainly were not culturally deprived.

  • Thank you Glenroy...

    Your contributions are always awesome.  As a non-Trini, I have been drawn to Trini music as I got hooked by pan. From pan...I learned about calypso...then soca.  If I could have another lifetime, I would choose to be born in Trinidad in the late 1940s. 

    I have learned SO MUCH from your contributions on this site.  You should get some recognition for the great educational work you do !  Thanks again.

  • What a beautiful arrangement of that tune . It brings back a lot of memories.I remember listening to Clarence Curvan in grenada.

  • those CD"s could be bought at Charlie"s record on Fulton st in NY. at lesat is there i got mine in 2002 after i kept harrasing Clarence to put his music on CD.

  • Again, this is excellent music that brought me into adulthood as someone earlier commented. Is this available on CD. I know you can get anything in the Big Apple. The facilities are there to easily convert from wax to CD.. . Has anyone the music of Danny Ming and Gemini Brass?.

    I live in Toronto, Ontario and my cousin lives in Brooklyn, New York. I can easily request him to investigate on my behalf.


    Glenroy, kindly advise.

  • In those days I used to rush up  to 81 Oxford Etreet and spent my whole lunch time wondering why I could not get a note out of Beverly's Hammond Organ. Only to find out it had to be plugged in Ha! Ha! Oh the good ole days!

    Don't tell "Clarie" !


  • Can I add my two cents and mention the name Joey Lewis. As a little fellow growing up in Tobago I also loved these big bands. Learning to dance in the streets in front my Grand fathers shop with the older guys. Because there was no traffic to disrupt our dance party.The good old days.
  • I grew up with this beautiful music. we use to call it pick a tile music, when you get on one spot you don't move for the whole night.
  • Yes. I loved that band. I wonder if I could get in touch with Estrada and Sanchez; just an outside chance! Well you have one more album than I do but that can be easily rectified as there are Tropical Islanders CDs in the few record shops that remain.
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