The Cyril Diaz Orchestra - Sparrow's "Ten To One Is Murder" (1962)

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The Cyril Diaz Orchestra was one of the most popular of the Trinidad dance bands of the 1950's and early 1960's, and their sound typifies the jump up party sound of the dance bands of that era.That sound that was also heard on the streets at Carnival as an alternative to the steelbands..Here, from the 1962 RCA album "Chip n' Jump Carnival" is the Cyril Diaz Orchestra, and The Mighty Sparrow's "Ten To One Is Murder".

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  • Bring back de ol time music.... Sweet fuh so!

  • Did Mr Diaz also record " Tan Tan" ? It has always been one of my favorites back in the days.

  • Musica! Hear de varee! This sound use to make you jump and nobody have to tell yuh jump!

  • can u post love walked in by the dutchy brothers. you seem to have all the oldies.


  • Thanks !  Nice.

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