The Dutchy Brothers "Caremelos"'

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From their compilation "Dutchy Brothers - #1 Band from the 60s, Caremelos was one of their biggest hits in Trinidad in the early sixties.The Latin Calypso sound was very popular in Trinidad and Tobago in the nineteen fifties and sixties, and one of the biggest hits of that era was "Caremelos" by the Dutchy Brothers.Led by Pete De Vlugt on saxophone, the band included his brothers Orville on guitar, and Ottmar , a pianist whose virtuosity often led the band musically.The Dutchy Brothers band was one of the most popular bands with the youth of T&T in the late fifties into the sixties.

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  • HI Glenroy just some more information they won band of the on the road with that same song beating the Legendary band leader the late Cyril Diaz who won band of the year seven times with the late great George Bailey

  • @ Glenroy Eugene was the bass player he lives in England now.

  • Who could forget.


  • Arden  Thomas, I can't remember Eugene De Vlugt, what instrument did he play?

    (I knew brother  Leo De Vlugt well , he was a friend and was a member of the band for a while.)

  • What about Eugene De Vlugt, fon't forget him, and he is still playing music to this day and looks like he is in his early 40's.

  • Hello Dr. Cape, When Steel Talks also joins Glenroy in acknowledging and thanking you for your exemplary and on going role in the development of Caribbean culture. In WST's opinion, your one of your greatest deeds may have been your introduction of the late Clive Bradley to Desperadoes. And as they say the rest is history.

  • Thank you for  your contributions to our culture Dr, Cape.

    Apart for your personal efforts as a band leader, you were a member of  both my all time favorite T&T band -The Clarence Curvan Orchestra, and the band I consider to be the best big band ever out of Trinidad- the Ron Berridge Orchestra.

    Thank you for the joy, and for the music.

  • I agree with you 100 percent, Dr Cape!


  • roy cape i was a member of the Clarence curvan band in that era they were great it was serious compettiton whenever we played in a non stop, i was also a member of the original Ron Berridge band not disputing the ranking of dutchys as i was a fan ot the band but i would  give to Ron Berridge the title of the best orchestra of all time as the Band did recorded with the most popular calypsonians at that time eg sparrow and kitchener we did kitch 66, 67, 68. and sparrow 68 album with mr walker, Jane, Wood in the fire. Sniper Portrait of Trinidad which still plays today. Yours Truly Dr Roy Cape   

  • I remembered the Dutchy brothers playing beautiful music.I always considered them the best band of the 60's. I also jam with them when they came to Grenada.

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