The Girl from Ipanema (steelpan version)

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Steel pan version of the girl from Ipanema accapella style

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  • Ok no prob.
  • Thanks Leeandro. I did not sign back in until tonight. I heard the Band will be staying in bethel. I will call you before. Thanks

  • Ok no prob I am arranging for a uptown Fascinators and they will be playing there too so I will sure to meet you and me contact is 3624913
  • Hello Mr. Noray,

                              I would like to meet you. I will be travelling with Desperadoes Steel Orchestra for the Tobago leg of, Pan in the Country Side on June 5th/6th. I will appreciate a contact number or I can be reached at     316-9483.

    Love, Peace and Pan 

  • Mainly it is, that's why I referred to it is A cappella *style* or just like A cappella. I hope you liked it I have two others up as well.
  • That's it!  I thought it referred only to vocal harmony.

    Thanks, Leeandro.


  • Isn't it in the sense that it was played without backing music just the melody on the pan.
  • A question:

    Why is this referred to as "accapella style"?



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