"The Hammer for Laventille" feat. Founding Member of Desperadoes Steel Orch. Roy Corrigan

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Brunch at 107.7 with Rennie Bishop & Sharmain Baboolal featuring Founding Member of Desperadoes Steel Orch. Roy Corrigan & First Captain 1987-2002, Curtis Edwards. 30th death anniversary of Rudolph Charles; The Hammer for Laventille. We revisit Laventille in this context.

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  • Rudolph was actually a caring and hard working manager of the band and he helped hundreds of residents in many capacities. I have witnessed while visiting his home, residents coming to him for financial, and other type of help with their family. One time a guy came selling eggs and he bought more than he wanted and gave me some. He always talked about the band being a community band and hoped it stayed that way. He was so respected and in control of the Community that if you looked around the Pan Tent and community Center you will find houses that residents built only after they talked with Rudolph Charles. Desperadoes was such a Community Band, that I went to Charlo to have the band perform at my new house warming a day before and we drove around the area and he spoke with all the stage players about the event. I had to supply transport that was always at the center and the band performed at my house in St Joseph. You see 90% of the players was from the Hill and they were all good. The new manager Curtis and many of the younger players were kids in the yard and this is what Desperadoes was missing and preventing new kids from the area  from obtaining when they are around the Savannah. Rudolph also did something that others did not do. He got all the best Tuners to work with each other instead of bad blood they had for each other. I was a Soldier/Musician performing with Brass Bands but I was also a Carnival player with the steel band and I am from the hill. Transporting Rudolph Charles I had the opportunity to become friends with Bertie Marshall. Wallace Austin, Lincoln Noel, Guppy brown  and Bobb from Blue Diamonds. I have always known  Harrigin because we all grew up the hill and went to school together.

    Every Steel Band is in their community, and we should be in ours and at the same time cultivate the kids. I could write a book of my experience as a friend with Rudolph Charles but that is for a next time. He gave me the nick name (REGIMENT) because I sometimes practiced with my Army uniform.

    Depeza O.

  • Very interesting interview; it just goes to show that times change and not always for the better.
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