The Johnny Gomez Orchestra "Skokiaan"

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Trinidad music bands of the 1950's and 1960's played a diverse , sophisticated brand of music that reflected the cultural and musical influences of the day, and one such band was the Johnny Gomez band , which was one of the more popular bands of the fifties into the early sixties.In 1954,The song Skokiaan from Rhodesia ( Zimbabwe) was an international hit that had many covers, including one by the legendary Louis "Satchmo " Armstrong.This beautiful version by the Johnny Gomez orchestra features a sort of Latin- jazz- calypso styling that was popular with Trinidadian musicians of that era , which also emphasizes the tune's African origin.These selections reminds us of the high stands that was attained by our talented and versatile Trinidadian musicians of yesteryear.

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  • Hey , Bob Diaz , was Carl Ifill from Sando?

    I remember the Ifills from Broadway (Independence Ave.) from when I was little, and they were also early members of Broadway Hatters.

    I know that one of them was a drummer in that era.


  • Thank you , Martin . I'm aware of your career as a musician in T&T back in the day, and of your family's contributions to our culture, but I did not know that you were a member of the Johnny Gomez band.

    I'll keep my eyes open for that recording.

  • Hi Glenroy, it is really nice of you to bring back these wonderful memories. I played bongos with Johnny Gomez  for several years. I am not sure if I did that recording .but it is quite possible .Although I was  a young man, going to school at the time, I performed at the Normandie Hotel twice a week with Johnny Gomez and toured many Islands with him .I did an recording with Johnny called (,Caribbean Hurricane) where I was featured on the bongos. I have searched every where for that forty five ,unsuccessfully. ,Maybe someone can help me find it..

  • Great stuff. Took me back to that era.of the great Orchestras and their wonderful sound. Those were good times.

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