The Katzenjammers Steel Orchestra : "Love is a many Splendored thing" (1957)

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A slow, sweet version of the hit song from the 1955 movie,you can feel the players trying to express the lyrics in their interpretation.The pans may not be up to today's technical standards, but the intensity of the players certainly is.From the 1957 Cook compilation album, "The Champion Steelbands of Trinidad", here is the Katzenjammers Steel orchestra and "Love is a Many Splendored Thing"

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  • Interesting "tone". Bot Have we come a long way?

  • Glenroy,

    Most of the members of the original band attended the Richmond Street EC Boys School (Corner of Richmond and Duke Streets. I think one of their first 'concert' performances (where those playing the smaller pans sat and balanced the pans on their kness while using neck straps) was at a concert in the school. It was about 1953 and I remember that the headmaster at the time was hauled over the coals by angry ministry of education officials for having a steelband in the school (Imagine dat!) 

  • Those were the days when there were steelbands at almost every dance. I need a time machine.

  • Sweet for days!

  • they played with Feelings, change key from F to C back to F, very Splendid indeed

  • We've heard a version from Desperadoes, and we've heard one  from Skiffle Bunch.

    From 1957 here is a sweet, slow haunting, mellow version of this 1955 hit by the original Katzenjammers Steel orchestra.

    As I would say "Pan sweet from day one!"

  • wow... Beautiful
  • I'm trying to learn some history of this band. I vaguely remember them from way back and I believe they were Festival winners in 1956 or 1957.

    The leader, arranger and lead panist was one Percy Thomas who aparently was also a well known panist from those days, and who may be another unheralded pan pioneer.

    I also wonder if this band is connected to today's Katzenjammers from Tobago.

    WST is the (unofficial) official record of pan history, so please add any info you may have on this steelband.

    We would all like to know.
  • Totally Evergreen Melody With Great Steel-Pan Sound! Its so sweet Medicine for the Minds& Hearts all the time......Many thanks to Maestro Glenroy again.........
  • Remember those were the Best Pans at that time so without any comparison this is indeed "Splendid". You can actually feel the LOVE flowing from those Pans.Real Lovely.
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