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Fitzgerald Henry, the Mighty Terror passed away in March, 2007 at the age of 86.Like his colleague the Lord Kitchener, he was among the first calypsonians to sing songs that could be considered "Pan Tunes", tunes that were about the pan and for the pan.His 1965 hit "Pan Talent" is one of the most memorable of classic pan tunes.He is another contributor to the steelband movement that deserves a special place in the Steelband Hall of Fame.(if there ever is one).

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  • The beauty of Terror's voice, the integrity of his music. his melodic line here, his ability to, as Jamaicans say "ride the rhythm', his recognition of the scope of pan, his prophetic realisation that pan would spread worldwide.

    These all coincide to make this one of the greatest calypsos ever!

  • Another "one of a kind",like Clive Bradley,like Lord Kitchener,there could only have been  one man with the "Golden Voice" that's the Mighty Terror,a special friend of mine,may he rest in peace,always.
  • Excellent song--and not one pan player in the band--love those horn arrangements! The masters are all gone to Laventile--except for Ellie of course!!
  • What a talent. The Mighty Terror. One of the true greats of calypso.
  • A classic, am in my early 50s and remember hearing this song since I was a kid.
  • That is the golden voice .
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