In a peaceful Ukrainian village, the school year is just ending in June 1941. Five young friends set out for a walking trip to Kiev, but their travels are brutally interrupted when they are suddenly attacked by German planes, in the first wave of the Nazi assault on the Soviet Union. When the village itself is attacked and occupied, most of the men flee to the hills to form a guerrilla unit. The others resist the Nazis as well as possible, but soon the village is placed under the command of a Nazi doctor who begins using the town's children as a source of constant blood transfusions for wounded German soldiers. Meanwhile, the small group of young persons tries desperately to take a supply of firearms to the guerrillas. Walter Huston, Anne Baxter ,Dana Andrews, Walter Brennan ,Dean Jagger ,Farley Granger ,Erich von Stroheim, Jane Withers.
This is the movie North Stars Steel Orchestra based their name on.
It was released in the United States as The North Star.
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Mr.Randolph Peters, I do not know where U'R getting your His-story from but, St James North stars (aka) Pan Am North Stars, did not, I reiterate, did not, get their name from the movie, when that movie came out the group had not yet been derived, as a matter of fact "Harlem Nightingales" from Guthrie Street and the "Oliver St John Steel band" from Kandahar, were the only first two steel bands in the world, then Nob Hill in 1946, and later "Young Sun Valleyians, of upper "Bournes Road, then "Five Graves to Cairo on Carlton Avenue St James, in 1949 after Sun Valley disbarment/broke up, it's main players Roy Harper, Addawell Sampson, Anthony Williams, Boyea Nandoo, Kong, Giant et al/and others, decided that they'er too young in pan to quit, and they were goin to continue, so they again decided to start a band, one night while the band was practicing at /in Giant's back yard, which happens to be #13 Bournes Road, Addawell Sampson saw a star pitch/falling, so he said fellows, let's call the band "Northern Stars" because I just saw a star pitch, and the guy's agreed saying yeah, and later they changed it to North Stars, and later again St James North Stars, and again Pan Am North Stars, the guy's had never/not seen the movies until 1951, under the leadership of Roy Harper, Williams took over from Harper in 1952, until the band disbanded in 1972, there was a Pan Am North Stars Phase II in "Boston Mass" in 1972 for their Ist first Boston Carnival and Panorama...
Thanks for this series reminding us of the provenance of the names of our major steel bands. (And providing old film aficionados like me with excellent specimens) It is a very important but often overlooked perspective by pan historians and researchers. It speaks to the powerful role played by cinema in the lives of young people of that era. As did the nicknames chosen by badjohns: Whitey Kincaid, Jack Slade, Palance, and how many Brandos and Brandeds? Panmen: young men who were rebels, outcasts, marginalized in their own society totally identifying with the heroes (and villains, but all exceptional men) on the screen. I remember going to college in POS in the fifties and walking past Royal cinema on the corner of Charlotte and Park there was always this character before the 12.30 show started (a western of course) all in black cowboy clothes complete with gun belt and caps gun with a little circle of grown men around him admiring how quickly he could "draw" his pistol and fire ..... Thanks again for the postings.
Mr.Randolph Peters, I do not know where U'R getting your His-story from but, St James North stars (aka) Pan Am North Stars, did not, I reiterate, did not, get their name from the movie, when that movie came out the group had not yet been derived, as a matter of fact "Harlem Nightingales" from Guthrie Street and the "Oliver St John Steel band" from Kandahar, were the only first two steel bands in the world, then Nob Hill in 1946, and later "Young Sun Valleyians, of upper "Bournes Road, then "Five Graves to Cairo on Carlton Avenue St James, in 1949 after Sun Valley disbarment/broke up, it's main players Roy Harper, Addawell Sampson, Anthony Williams, Boyea Nandoo, Kong, Giant et al/and others, decided that they'er too young in pan to quit, and they were goin to continue, so they again decided to start a band, one night while the band was practicing at /in Giant's back yard, which happens to be #13 Bournes Road, Addawell Sampson saw a star pitch/falling, so he said fellows, let's call the band "Northern Stars" because I just saw a star pitch, and the guy's agreed saying yeah, and later they changed it to North Stars, and later again St James North Stars, and again Pan Am North Stars, the guy's had never/not seen the movies until 1951, under the leadership of Roy Harper, Williams took over from Harper in 1952, until the band disbanded in 1972, there was a Pan Am North Stars Phase II in "Boston Mass" in 1972 for their Ist first Boston Carnival and Panorama...
Thanks for this series reminding us of the provenance of the names of our major steel bands. (And providing old film aficionados like me with excellent specimens) It is a very important but often overlooked perspective by pan historians and researchers. It speaks to the powerful role played by cinema in the lives of young people of that era. As did the nicknames chosen by badjohns: Whitey Kincaid, Jack Slade, Palance, and how many Brandos and Brandeds? Panmen: young men who were rebels, outcasts, marginalized in their own society totally identifying with the heroes (and villains, but all exceptional men) on the screen. I remember going to college in POS in the fifties and walking past Royal cinema on the corner of Charlotte and Park there was always this character before the 12.30 show started (a western of course) all in black cowboy clothes complete with gun belt and caps gun with a little circle of grown men around him admiring how quickly he could "draw" his pistol and fire ..... Thanks again for the postings.