The Ron Berridge Orchestra "My Favorite Things"

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This Ron Berridge arrangement of the Rodgers and Hammerstein show-tune "My Favorite Things" (from "The Sound of Music") is an example of the powerful big band sound of the Berridge orchestra that was partly created by the trombone of Simeon Cabellero, also known as Neville Oxley.For those unfamiliar with Oxley, check out the short trombone solo at the end, it is a good example of Oxley's style, and the reason he was so highly thought of as a musician.I'd like to dedicate this to him,and to let him know that his musical contributions are recognized.Along with his friends and colleagues Ron Berridge and Clarence Curvan (with whom I've been in contact), I would like to express our sincere best wishes to Oxley.Our prayers go out to him and his loved ones.Update:Trombonist Simeon Cabellero, aka "Oxley", passed away on 03/05/ 2012.May he Rest in Peace

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  •  Thank you, Ron.

    Since I'm retired I finally have the time to show my appreciation for our culture, and for the ones who helped to create it.

    Besides, lately i've been mostly sitting on my but on a recliner, recuperating from rotator cuff shoulder surgery.

    (a good excuse to have the wife waiting on me hand and foot, since I'm sooo helpless!).

  • Nice work Glenroy. You certainly are a busy guy, I would like to know you do it. Keep up the good work and please update me on any news you get on Simeon AKA Oxley.  

  •  not even the  patrick manning divine echoes could sound like r b  o

  • Glad that these guys are mentioned, folks seem to forget them, best wishes to all.

  • Hope you get well soon, Oxley!

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