The Ron Berridge Orchestra - Sparrow's"Wood in the Fire"

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From The Album Calypso Mania Composed By Slinger Francisco Arranged By Ron Berridge.Apart from the music , this video has some great pictures of the band from the old days, including young versions of the Berridge brothers, Roy Cape,Conrad Little, Oxley and others.Thanks for the memories, Ron.

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  • Absolutely Big Sound Orchestra!

  • Yes Glenroy,

                       Those were the days. Could you remember when you could have heard the basses of a band from a long way off. We also had lastlap. I recall my last lastlap in 1967. Desperadoes was so big that when you were at the back of the band, you were chipping with the rhythm of the chips. (lol) Yes man; those were the days. There were also distinctions between the pans.                                                                                  As the adage say, "Man's progress is at his own detriment." Keep up the good works, and all the best to you and the pan diaspora at large.   (Love, Peace and Pan) 

  • i like your comment about pan on the road in the old days with no canopies, when real panmen played from Jouvert morning to Carnival Tuesday night.

    And yes, we had water carriers, especially at panorama prelims to cool down the pans as we waited in the hot sun to play..

  • I remember this album. Clive Bradley arranged Sparrow's "Wood In The Fire" for Desperadoes' 4th place in 1968.

    Later that year I was playing with an Orchestra in Brooklyn. Our guitarist was a famous name in Trinindad, but I cannot remember his name. Roy Cape was at one of our performances in Brooklyn and he took a solo with our band. I wonder if Mr. Cape remembers that. I first saw Mr. Berridge when he came up and arranged Kitchener's "67" for Desperadoes in 1967. I was a mere 17-year old rookie, and quite comfortable with his verse and chorus. I do not know what happened but the next week, Mr. Berridge's "67" was scraped. The late Scpio Sergeant was brought in, and he and a few members of the band arranged a new version of "67." I was mad because I had to learn all over again, and ended up learning 7 new tunes (lol). Remember back then Steel Orchestras played many tunes on the road, had to walk and play, no canopies so hot sun on your head, and we had water carries to wet the pans. Also, you would never see a pan hanging without a player behind it. I am getting carried away so I will stop. (lol) 

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