The Steel Drum/Pan: The ONLY 1st Generation Fully-Acoustic Musical Instrument Invented In The 20th Century!

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Catelli Trinidad All Stars - Woman On De BassBefore "Pan Is Beautiful", there was the "Steelband Music Festival", started by George "Sonny" Goddard and NATTS. (Know your pan history!)

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  • Thanks for the appreciation, Terry. It means a lot to me. I realize that on WST, the so-called "keepers of the gate" continue to try and marginalize me. The reasons the name was changed, in my opinion, is two-fold:

    1. Pan Trinbago was created to destroy George "Sonny" Goddard and NATTS, and the fact that he is the one who started the Steelband Music Festivals, did not sit well with them. (Of course, they will not admit that.)
    2. The original name exposes certain "inconvenient truths" about the race and class prejudices that existed (and STILL exist) in Trinidad society. "Pan Is Beautiful" disconnects persons from knowing that the festival was the result of George "Sonny" Goddard's efforts at making the steelbands independent of a local music association that wanted NO part of steelbands, and ESPECIALLY their "lower class" members. So the removal of ANYTHING that connects the instrument from its past, became the modus operandi; so "drum" became "pan", "band" became "orchestra", and "steelband music festival" became "pan is beautiful". I guess "pan" was TOO Black and ugly back then, and now with foreigners giving "last words", and becoming the "authorities" of (our) culture on EVERY level - from performance to manufacture - the culture continues to be sanitized to suit a more Eurocentric (White) model. The final nail on steelband culture's coffin, is its removal from the ritual from which it was born - Carnival. The "music" (to them) was not good enough, and needed Andy Narell to redefine it. The instrument was not good enough and needed an E-Con man to perfect it. Again, thanks Terry for your comment.

    BTW - I really do not care if anyone comments on my posts, as long as they are reading them. Like I said, I only debate my equals; ALL others I teach. So, in posting this video, I have taught over 150 viewers, and counting. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME! People who do not like what I write, have the freedom to not read them, just as I have the freedom to continue posting them. I am going exercise MY rights, and I suggest that EVERYONE does the same. Rather than try and silence me, they have the option of not reading my discussions, and I strongly suggest they opt for the latter. Again, they cannot intellectually challenge the message, so they desperately hope to crucify the one who calls them "hypocrites". Sound familiar? Remember that as you all run off to church today; that even YOUR GOD (Jesus Christ), did not mince words when dealing with the wicked. YOUR BIBLE tells you to hate what is bad, and that your "God" got "angry" when it was called for, obliterating the ENTIRE WORLD because he thought that it was rotten. "God" found favor in ONLY ONE MAN, according to YOUR "HOLY BOOK", so the fact that I stand alone in this battle of "good over evil", reassures me that I am on the side of truth and righteousness. Enjoy your Sunday sermon, hypocrites. Just know that you may be able to fool 10K WST members, but GOD knows ALL our "heart conditions", and I am at peace in knowing that I choose to represent the "Christ consciousness". As always, may you ALL go in peace (Shem Em Hotep).

    Ghost Who Will NEVER Be Silenced By Mortal Man! (Only the ONE who gave me a "voice", can do that! I have ONLY one King and only one E-Man!)

  • Thanks Pan'tum, for posting this classic steel drum selection from the record of this 1980 historical event.

    Why was this festival's name changed to Pan Is Beautiful?

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