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The steel Pan a Ne Kunda Nlaba documentary film about this only acoustic musical instrument invented in the 20th century and originated on the island of Trin...

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  • "Everyone " knows "everything" about pan except the truth.I've heard Antiguans say they started it and Trinidadians ran with it and developed it.

  • Is there a conspiracy or is it ignorance?? How could anybody talk about or create a documentary about STEELPAN and DONT  mention INVADERS or  the CREATOR of the instrument  ELLIE MANNETTE???

    Here is a tuner talking about the invention probably 3rd hand info and never once mentions the FIRST STEELBAND  INVADER or the CREATOR/INVENTOR  ELLIE  MANNETTE.  This BS continues time and time again Looks like they are all reading from a prepared script of error and lie. Spree was NOT there when pan was being played on Green Corner and Tragarete Rd in the late 30's and early 40's

  • And the beat goes on, and on...

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