Trinidad, 1932

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A visit to the Caribbean island of Trinidad and the Bocas Islands in 1932 aboard the French Line's SS Lafayette. Trinidad is the birth place of the steelpan instrument.

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  • On the "Black and white face minstrels:

    Blackface performers are, "...the filthy scum of white society, who have stolen from us a complexion denied them by nature, in which to make money, and pander to the corrupt taste of their white fellow citizens." -- Frederick Douglass

    You would note, that this form of "white supremacy", is wrapped up in the "Darkie" stereotype of the African (everywhere in the Diaspora). In the original context in which it was used, I have to agree with Frederick Douglass. Why do we accept "racism", when it comes to promoting negative images of Black people? Is this why, Tyler Perry is the highest paid African American director in the United States? Is this why rap entertainers like Rick Ross is more successful than Arrested Development was? Who (still) controls the entertainment industry? Therein lies the answers...


  • I was actually referring to this clip.


    1. How is this  "pan-related", and not focused on "race". (Note the number of hits, compared to my videos of "Early Africans". Double standard? You be the great judges you are.)
    2. When I look at my "T&T East Indian" brothers and sisters, I see BLACK people. Why are they racially classified as "Caucasian"?

    GHOST - Who Talks, After Finding Answers To The Right Questions.

  • This was shot a year before I saw the light of day and a lot of it is familiar - the department stores, Millers, Glendinnings and Johnsons. Watch the early influence of Hollywood the Black and white face minstrels. Dudn't see any tramcars.

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