TRINIDAD ALL STARS - "The Hammer" - Panorama Champions 1986

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In 1986, David Rudder's homage to the late steelband legend Rudolph Charles(October 1, 1938 – March 29, 1985) won the calypso Monarchy for David, and the panorama crown for Trinidad All Stars.This Leon "Smooth" Edwards interpretation of the hit calypso displayed his musical genius, and the performance by Trinidad All Stars left no doubt as to the champion steelband of Panorama 1986.

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  • Yes, Ian Franklin, that was the night that Smooth and All Stars "drop de Hammer on dey rass!"

  • Vintage All Stars, great performance, fantastic arrangement
  • Desperadoes played the Hammer, but All Stars dropped the "SLEDGE". This was the second time that All Stars performed a calpyso, that was about someone in Desperadoes, and won Panorama. 1980 "Woman on the Bass" and 1986 "The Hammer." Also, All Stars became the only Steel Orchestra to win Panorama with the highest percentage. They scored 293 points of ot 300, that's 97.67%. For those of you who might want to differ, please be advised that I did not state most points. Phase II has that bragging rights. in 1987 they scored 487 points out of 500, but that is 97.4%
  • Point of note Despers played Hammer that year also
    but came no where close to All Stars Performance
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