Trinidad Tripoli Steel Orchestra (1970) " Hallelujah Chorus"

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Hugh Borde's Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band performs the "Hallelujah Chorus" from George Frideric Handel's Messiah on the popular 1970's David Frost show .Arranged by Fr. John Sewell

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  • I must say I would always enjoy that piece of music by any band. I was previledge to play this piece with the Police steel orch under the baton of the late Supt. Anthony Prospect at the Tranquillity church many years ago.
  • The Tripoli steel band is the first band to be nominated for a Grammy Award and yet Pantrinbago have not our contribution to the steel-band world.They have acknowleged pan tuners, arrangers etc but Tripoli Steel-band for pioneering the steel-band for their work they have done in America and Canada including Expo 67' in Montreal.
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