Trinidad Tripoli Steelband (Pioneers of steeldrum music pt.1

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Hugh Borde's Trrinidad Tripoli Steel Band

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  • I feel very proud to be a member of this band. Became known as Tripoli Scratcherman. Today I have my own band called Calypso Pan-tas-tic in Australia. My band consist of Tenor pan (Invaders Style), Double Second (doubling on Saxophone), keyboard, bass guitar, trumpet, drums set, female vocalist and I also doubling on Scratcher, congas, ukulele and vocals. I have been playing all over Australia including Hamilton Island, The Gold Coast and the Southern Cross Club in Canberra where I live.
  • " I'm an ape man I'm an ape ape man said I'm a ape man.
    I'm a King Kong man I'm a voodoo man said I'm an ape man"

    My favorite song by Tripoli
  • I can`t tell all,what i say! So one word tell all, Incomparable..........
  • I was the youngest member of that group, and it's always nice to see something about us from time to time.
  • Courtney Leiba, I recognise you.

    You coulda really gallery on the scratcher in dem days, boy..

    The only man to match you back then was PaPa from Dutchy brothers.
    Remember him? .
  • AWESOME!!!!
  • My Dad is an original member of Tripoli and went on tour with Hugh LeBorde. I also had some cousins who were member too. Edward Kinsale and Micheal Kernahan. I was middle named after both of them. John Sewell baptised me in L.A. So respect to Tripoli and to my Daddy Stephen 'Ointin' Kinsale. I love u.
  • These guys changed my's because of them i am a panwoman now
  • Wow, I grew up a few blocks from their panyard!!
  • !!!!-first pan i ever heard-!!! i ADORED this band as a kid and still do; there's even a quick shot in this video of the Academy of Music in Phlly, where my mom took us to see them a couple times. Recently found some old recordings of them remastered onto CD....
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