Trinidad Tripoli Steelband&Liberace Sabre Dance David Frost

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Legendary Pianist Liberace and Hugh Borde's Trrinidad Tripoli Steel Band performs the "Sabre Dance live on the david Frost talk show in 1970

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  • From Power Stars Steel Orchestra
    114 Western Main Road 
    St. James, Port-of-Spain
    Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
    West Indies.

    On behalf of the Management & Members of Power Stars Steel Orchestra and by extension the St. James/Fort George community, please allow me to express our deepest regrets for the George and Marshall family's beloved loss..Norris George.

    I had the opportunity to closely interact with Norris quite a few times over my period in Ann Arbor through Mr. Hugh Borde of Trinidad Tripoli; Mr. Robert Valentine, Dector Scott & Linton 'POPS' Harper & Joseph Allen & the late Steven Springer formerly of Niteflight; Mr. Michael Kerhanan et al of 21st Century; Steel Orchestras and others to numerous to mention.His demeanor was always cordial, professional and showing a general sense of concern in all pan folk, particularly those like Power Stars that lost their way, in assisting to getting us back on track. 

    May your bereaved family and all members of Ann Arbor/Detroit, Miami musicians community, find comfort and solace in the great work which he did to allow orchestras like ours to make it. To the triumphant strains of this global cultural icon, onward to Valhalla, may Norris George's soul eternally rest in peace.

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