T&T Panorama Finals 1999

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Trinidad and Tobago Steelband panorama Finals for the year 1999

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  • I am fortunate to own a copy of Ian Franklin's book "400 Q&H on Pan", and I highly recommend it as a must read for any student or lover of pan.

    This historical document is probably the number one reference for anything pan related.

    Excellent job Ian, and thank you for the effort.
  • Just some pan trivia from Panorama 1999. (1) Clive Bradley is the only arranger to win back to back with two different bands. (2) Clive Bradley is the only arranger to place two Steel Orchestras 1st and 3rd at the same Panorama. (3) Desperadoes became the second band to win 9 Panorama Titles. (4) A Non-Trinbagonian qualified a band for the Panorama finals. Andy Narell composed & arranged "Coffee Street" and placed Skiffle Bunch 8th. To the Trinbago pan diaspora, I do not mean to advertise, but you all should own a copy of "400 Q&A on Pan from 1960 to Present. Know more about the artform by reading.
    Love,Peace and Pan
    Ian Franklin
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