Valley Harps Steel Orchestra-Lord Kitchener's "J'ouvert '69", Live at Panorama 1969

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Panorama Finals 1969 Live in the Queen's Park Savannah.Through the decades Lord Kitchener provided many tunes that were eagerly adapted by steelbands and arrangers as Panorama tubes of choice.Here, from Panorama1969 is the Valley Harps Steel Orchestra and their arrangement of Lord Kitchener's then popular tune, "J'ouvert 69"

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  • Yes Glenroy,

                         Mr. Lennox "Bobby" Mohamed approach of arranging did make an impact. He also introduced dynamics in panorama arranging and was also the first to use the minor key in panorama.                                     I do hope that the NAPA Building in San Fernando will bear the name or Lennox "Bobby" Mohamed.                   If anyone in the Southland has made a greater contribution as far as the word "ARTS" is concerned let me know. 

  • Listening to these Panorama performances from 1969,one cannot help but notice the impact that the Lennox "Bobby" Mohammed/ Guinness Cavaliers sound had the steelbands of that era.

    Anyone remembering the sound of the steelband prior to the advent of Guinness Cavaliers would know what I mean.

    With the exception of the established band/arranger combinations - Earl Rodney( another "South" Man") and Solo Hermonites, Bradley/Beverly with Despers, Junior Pouchet with Silver Stars and a few others, all the arrangers of that era were influenced by Bobby's arrangements.

    With all due respect to Clive Bradley, not even the great one had such an impact on the sound of the steelband.

    When we talk about pan pioneers and pan heroes, we cannot forget Lennox "Bobby" Mohammed.

    IMHO, The man does not get enough credit.

    Much respect, Bobby.

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