Vintage Steelbands

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Steelband history documentary from the mid 1960s shows vintage steelbands with George "Sonny" Goddard the first president of NATTS, now known as Pan Trinbago.

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  • Great melodies & great pan however it's the 'iron' in the rhythm section that provides 

    the energy to carry you home after many hours on your feet. Beautiful, only in Trinidad

    you could have gotten that. Nowadays its just 'hands in the air', ear-splitting loud

    sound systems with no talent. Anyone can play a few records/CDs!

  • I Had a close connection of George Goddard thru Hugh Borde and a member of the Tripoli Steel band.

    I think very few people remember the very old steel bands as Torrid Zone, Red Army, Bad Twenty. Hill Sixteen

    Lennigrade Boys Town an a few from San Fernando which my memory cannot recall at the moment. Most people will know Desperadoes, Casablanca, Tokyo, Tripoli but  not those bands that used to play the drums with one stick and the damaged American bugle.

  • As far as I know, there has not been another person as George "Sonny" Goddard in not just being the president of the Steelband organization but also the laison between the Steelband and the government and also adviser to the government. Maybe we need someone in that position who is an adviser to the government on the status of pan...this way they can also check up on the steelband organization in T&T. ...maybe the stats man can verify if there has been any other adviser to the government as regards the pan.

  • Proud of you and your efforts bro...  I agree (no argument ;-) with Brian Copeland.  Maybe our steelpan history can be "housed" here and there, n'est-ce-pas?

  • Thank you for sharing George.

  • Glad you all enjoyed this clip. You will NOTE the absence of comments from those who claim that I post only things on "race", "racism". "Black Nationalism". "non pan-related" stuff, etc. You will also note that my dad was CLEAR on his responsibilities as the President of NATTS and as a Cultural Advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr. Eric Williams, and that such an important figure in the steelband movement, was NEVER mentioned by ANY member of this forum, prior to my bringing his legacy and name into focus. Again, I do this, both as his loyal son, and as one of his loyal members of the still-existing STEELBAND MOVEMENT.


  • Thanks Ghost,

                             That is a except from a documentary entitled "Don't Stop The Carnival" which was recorded by an English Company in 1969. (4) Steel Orchestras were featured; Cordettes, Tokyo, Desperadoes and Cavaliers.

    The opening piece of "Finlandia" is played by Desperadoes. Cordettes' "Morning Noon and Night" was arranged by the late Mr. Paul Campbell whose funeral was last Monday.

  • By George....this is very interesting ....I did not  see this before when it was first released because  I guess it was Panorama time in Trinidad.....but this is a good documentary and brings you up and close with the Man himself George Sonny Goddard and an early era of Pan. It gives you an insight on the thinking of the former and first president of NATTS. Definitely a valuable piece of History. ( Ghost are not as handsome as the old man ..LOL)


  • I like this, it bring back memories of the past, I even saw ROSE HILL, I went to rose hill school in the 50's with fellas from despers, Tash, Gunga din, nice music too, it's also nice to see Goddard, nice

  • why allyuh have to tork so much. yuh tink we cyar see fur we self?more music please.

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