"We Kinda Music" Birdsong Panorama 2014

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"We Kinda Music" written and arranged by Andy Narell for Birdsong. Playing here in the semi finals, Panorama 2014 T&T

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  • This performance here of Birdsong was not at the Semi-finals, (wrong Venue) its being played too slow, listen to the difference with this Link from the Semi-finals, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofqjJteuGKc

  • This is a Nice Piece but it's not what Panorama is about. Good try Andy but not good enough. Don't understand our Panorama Music. It's a Cultural Sound that's not in his Soul. Don't try to change it. Try to learn it. We have been doing it for over Fifty Years. The rest of the World has learnt from us.
  • Music for dinner
  • Same opinion. Simply the best.

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