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This one is to remind every one what real calypso (kaiso) is all about.It is also dedicated to all my Trini friends who sometimes feel like they're "Living in Jail"Ssadley Joseph, The Mighty Penguin was the Calypso Monarch of T&T in 1984.From the Mighty Penguin's 1984 album, "Touch it" , a bit of T&T social commentary that is even more relevant today, "We Living in Jail".

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  • Correction - a few old timers that still around are  still capable, but as a culture we're losing the art of matching powerful commentary with sweet music.

  • Sorry, Michaele, that's a lost art!

  • R. I. P.  to young Travon Martin,

    son of the soil of FLORIDA, USA,

    lost his life due to fear and run-away testosterone,

    and the continuing racial divide, and crazy- ASSumptions.

    Please...some one... put some Trini talent to this case

    and write us a calypso for all we here...

    we need some culture to soothe the pain. 

  • The Mighty Penguin, Seadley Joseph has passed away.

    R.I.P. , Penguin

  • Makes you understand why some of us think the art form has regressed

    Apart from the great lyrics, the musical arrangement  makes you want to move.


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