Winnifred Atwell and Pan Am North Stars "The wedding"

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On the subject of Pan Pioneers , I'm still awed by the sound the great Anthony Williams created when he blended or matched a set of pans to Winnifred Atwell's piano.From the historic 1969 collaboration between two Trinidad music legends,The Album "Ivory and Steel", here is the 1964 Julie Rogers pop hit."The Wedding"

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  • Poets and Peasants was played by both City and Pan Am but the rendition of Intermezzo by Pan Am made the difference and Pan Am won.

  • Margaret: Just for the records Pan Am North Stars did not win the music festival with "Poets & Peasants" they did so with "Intermezzo In E Flat" composed by Anthony Prospect. Poets & Peasants was played by City Syncopators. The year 1966.  

  • With all the comments on this awesome performance - it will be so good to get a recording of that concert. I know I will be willing to purchase a CD,so if anyone has information on that please share.

    In addition, Pan Am Jet North Stars also did a concert with the Marionettes Chorale that had two stunning pieces of music -- Poets and Peasants and Oklahoma - the blend of voices and pans.  North Stars had won music festival with Poets and Peasants.

  • Simply celestial........

  • Very nice, thanks !  Thanks again, Glenroy for sharing !

  • I still have the album.One of my collector item.

  • I was at this concert in Queen's Hall. Hearing this recording brings back so many great memories of pan.  I actually had the LP of this concert, loaned it out and never got it back.  If there is a CD available to purchase I would love to get to get it.

  • I forgot that I knew this piece.. Wow.. Thanks for the memories.

  • Sweet, real nice beautiful music . 

  • Simply awesome. So much talent in our little country.

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