Wycombe Steel Orchestra playing at HM the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Picnic - Vibes Cyah Done

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Wycombe Steel Orchestra were privileged to play for Her Majesty the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Picnic in Buckingham Palace Gardens. Wycombe Steel Orchestra, a steelpan band based in High Wycombe, is a community-run orchestra playing a wide variety of music genres including calypso, classical and chart music. With around 15 key members, Wycombe Steel Orchestra consists only of the elite members from the newly-formed School of Steelpan to play out at events. All members are volunteers from a diverse range of backgrounds, ranging from 10 -- 25 years of age. click for full story http://ning.it/MUVf7b

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  •  2959985330?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024copyright canouanmusic

  • The first steelband (ever) built (from scratch) in Engand was built by me in (circa) 1963 in Dossie Forbes  back yard..  That steelband was the High Wycombe  Maestro’s All Steel  Band  led by Dossie Forbes (still alive). This steelband is the descendant of that band and many of the players are the children and grand children of the ORIGINAL players (Dossie, Kingsley, Clinton Jack, Mike,  Ossie and a few others.  For many years it was the ONLY entire steelband in England…All of the other socalled steelbands were just 2 or 3 trebble pans.   I  built 1 high  Tenor, 1 second Tenor,   1 set of 4 Bass, 1 double second  and 1 double  guitar  . There was no double Tenor  yet.  The Bass pan layout was given to me by my friend and Pan luminary Theo Stevens of Anna  and Free French fame(I think). It was the layout used by Curtis Pierre’s  Dixilanders  Steel Band who passed thru London on tour in about 1961 and Theo and I had the opportunity to Jam with them in Porchester Hall (Paddington)  I taught and coached the players, arranged the music, got them their FIRST  recording contract (with EMI- Music For  Pleasure) produced the LP and even played Bongo’s on the recording.(see The Caribbean Sound.. MFP 1227 still available)  High Wycombe Maestro’s  eventually became High Wycombe All Stars Steel Band. The manager, PR person and  most ardent fan was Ms Jennifer Cross who put a lot of time and effort  into making  this band a success..

    Paddy Corea (copyright to Canouanmusic)

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