Election of Officers to the various Pan Trinbago Regional Executive is carded for Thursday 29 November 2018 at venues in the respective regions.
After the close of nominations on Thursday November, most of the positions are being decided by ballots. Tobago Region was the exception with all but that of Assistant Secretary was unopposed.
One of the most keenly contested office is that of the Chair in the North Region where three (3) candidates have offered themselves for consideration. The same can also be said for the East where three (3) candidates are vying for the top position.
Elected members will hold office for a term of three (3) years. Positions to be contested are Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and two (2) Trustees.
In the North, election will take place at the Communications Workers Union Hall, 146 Henry Street, Port of Spain, at 5:00 pm.
Nominees are:-
Chairman Desiree Myers, Clifford Alfred, Clive Telemaque
Vice-Chairman Robert Tobitt, Earl Morris
Secretary Selwyn Lloyd, Robert Hernandez
Assistant Secretary Josanne Antrobus (UNOPPOSED)
Treasurer Kenneth Kerr, Ross Thomas
Trustees (2) Kurt Abraham, Michael Franco, John Douglas
Martin Cain, Anthony Joseph.
In the East, elections will be conducted at the Arima Town Hall, Sorzano Street, Arima, at 5:00 pm
Nominees are:
Chairman Anthony Walker, Marvin Edwards,
Thecla Forde-Rodriguez
Vice-Chairman Felix English, Cheo Cato
Secretary Terri-Ann Roberts, Natalie Peters
Assistant Secretary Khadine Nichols (UNOPPOSED)
Treasurer Shirvorne Mitchell (UNOPPOSED)
Trustees (2) Malcolm Gordon, Jhovan Samuel (UNOPPOSED)
In the South, elections will be conducted at The Oilfield Workers Trade Union Headquarters, 99a Circular Road, San Fernando at 3:00pm
Nominees are:
Chairman Phillip Barker, Winston Nurse
Vice- Chairman David Balbosa, Hudson Henry, Ricardo Joseph
Secretary Reza Baptiste, Shawn Dube
Assistant Secretary Richard Gill (UNOPPOSED)
Treasurer Carolyn Callendar (UNOPPOSED)
Trustees (2) Codin Georgie Joseph, Rawle Knights, Sean Cummings, Petersen Phillip,
Garvin Williams, Aleah de La Rosa
In Tobago, elections will take place at the Dixieland Pan Theatre, Mt. Pleasant, Tobago, at 5:00 pm.
Nominees are:
Chairman Salisha James (UNOPPOSED)
Vice-Chairman Brian Thomas (UNOPPOSED)
Secretary Lamina Woods Ollivierre (UNOPPOSED)
Assistant Secretary Patricia Clarke, Jerron Smith
Treasurer Sue Ann Alfred (UNOPPOSED)
Trustees (2) Keston Duke, Maurice Muir (UNOPPOSED)
Two (2) band’s representatives are eligible to participate in the voting process per region as outlined in the Pan Trinbago’s Constitution.
Across the nation, you have 38 (THIRTY EIGHT) people running PAN TRINBAGO and the whole organization is nothing but a bureaucratic boondoggle driven by corruption and maladministration.
Ah thought Salisha James loss at the HIGH LEVEL!!! What she doing running again now -- at the low level?
Is PanTrinbago an active body? I hope they didn't get LESS when they asked for Moore.