Panorama (1396)

The Elephant in the room

So Pan Trinbago says players not getting paid in 2019...or apparently 2020 because budget cuts of $10M means they just don't have the money to pay players

Thing is......they should look at every possible avenue to ENSURE that players get paid.


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14 Replies
Views: 748

All in favor of Pan Players band hopping (playing with more than band in same category) for stipend monies with none paid in 2018 and nothing promise for Panorama 2019 SAY AYE!!!

Will the usual band hopping and bands coming out of the woodwork for stipend monies continue with the non payment of players stipend for 2018 and none promise for Panorama 2019 continue as normal ? All in favor say AYE!!! those not in favor say NAY, 

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Views: 148

If anybody out there is dreaming of being a PANORAMA ARRANGER they should really listen to this PERFORMANCE, objectively. You can also go to "CHORDIFY.NET" and plug it in for further analysis!!!

PANORAMA is (should be) CALYPSO PLAYED LIKE CALYPSO. And THIS PERFORMANCE does that (something I have been screaming for -- for decades). KENDALL WILLIAMS brings so much MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE to this arrangement -- he could compose a WHOLE NEW SONG just

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Views: 123
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