Steelband Music (1317)

THIS IS THE CLOSEST that GERARD MENDEZ has ever been to BECOMING PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO -- so it serves his purpose to fight BEVERLEY to the bitter end and disrupt her EXECUTIVE ...

7887763898?profile=RESIZE_710x... this POLITICS is MUCH TOO BIG for BEVERLEY right now. And staying home and PRAYING ain't about to do her NO GOOD. She either comes down WITH A HEAVY HAND RIGHT NOW or descend into POLITICAL SCORN.

GERARD MENDEZ has been living for this day to mak

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Views: 94

Imagine DEM PAN TRINBAGO EMPLOYEES living in TRINIDAD and DOH KNOW what KEITH DIAZ do with the 4.8 MILLION that he stole from PAN PLAYERS -- and wonder why their PLAYERS get LIX in the INT RAMAJAY

(Sometimes the SUBJECT LINE does run out of space -- that is a little subtle hint to RUSSEL PROVIDENCE.)

I doh know how people living in TRINIDAD all dey life and collecting salaries from THE PNM all dey life and still dey doh know what is going on i

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Views: 81

That is a REAL SHAME FOR PAN!!! All these people who run around talking about how much they LOVE PAN and GREGORY LINDSAY is the ONLY ONE SPEAKING OUT in THIS TIME OF CRISIS ...

... and the LAST TIME AROUND he was the ONLY ONE really FIGHTING DOWN DIAZ and FORTEAU. Everybody else silent and don't want to upset THE EXECUTIVE because of PANORAMA CONSEQUENCES or LITTLE GIMME GIMME HANDOUTS.

This is a real shame.

In for a penny

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