Steelband Music (1317)

TOMORROW (August 11th, 2019) promises to be an HISTORIC DAY for STEELBAND MUSIC as the WORLD STEELPAN DAY is launched. I applaud the efforts of BERTEL GITTENS and SIMEON SANDIFORD!!!

At 11 a.m. tomorrow (August 11th, 2019) the WORLD STEELPAN DAY is going to be LAUNCHED at the PAN TRINBAGO HEADQUARTERS in PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD.

The function would be a simple one. 

Bertel Gittens, as the Chair, would give opening remarks and welc

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Views: 716

Cecil Hinkson: After all the BUILD-UP about "WORLD STEELPAN DAY" I would have expected some kind of report to the PUBLIC about the EVENT ... but instead all I could see is a PICTURE OF BEVERLEY ...

... PLAYING SHE SELF and yuh know once she get involved in ANY PROJECT is CLOAK and DAGGER, TOBAGO SECRECY. So ah doh know if this WORLD PROJECT is going to reach the far corners of the GLOBE if it end up under LOCK and COVER for the PROMOTION of ONE

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