Steelband Music (1317)

Hell Yard 1940


This is the very first recording of Pan Music and it is the Hell Yard Steel Band accompanying"The Roaring Lion" Mr.Raphael De Lion in February of 1940. The Players were Eric Stowe and Hamilton "Big Head Hamil" Thomas playing 2 three-note Te

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Views: 589

can u see this happening in the future T&T / USA as twin Countries in PAN sending their Panorama winners to compete in the finals of each other's Panorama or as a guest artist.

Do u envision in the future T&T / USA sending each other's Panorama winners to perform in their Panorama finals as automatic qualifier's because of their victories or as a guest artist. or do u see transportation and housing and other things as a  pr

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Views: 651

Proposed Production of PAN CD by EXPATS/LOCAL is a brilliant idea from Pan lovers, Do we need the green light from Pantrinbago, Govt. or we can do it without permission from anyone.

The proposed PAN/CD is a brilliant idea for moving Pan Music forward both locally and globally. do we need approval or green light from Pantrinbago  the governing body for pan, Govt. to produce this show?  If pantrinbago  is not a part of this produc

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