Question (1) Who invented pan, when, where, how and Y ???
Read more…Question (1) Who invented pan, when, where, how and Y ???
Read more…Just talk, talk, and more talk, I say this coming since 2009, when ( boogsie Sharpe ) and others voted Patrick Arnold out, and Keith Diaz in, it seems as they forgot that, when Diaz was manager of "Star lift" and band was on tour in florida USA, h
Read more…I received the sad news today of the passing of a pioneering panman from Boisierre Village, Trinidad. So here I'll share a short reflection of Rudy Martin Joseph who resided in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada until his death yesterday.
Rudy at age 84 was sti
Read more…This is the very first recording of Pan Music and it is the Hell Yard Steel Band accompanying"The Roaring Lion" Mr.Raphael De Lion in February of 1940. The Players were Eric Stowe and Hamilton "Big Head Hamil" Thomas playing 2 three-note Te
Read more…Wise Men have said to know the future you have to return to the past, Well for Pan on the Avenue 2016 Boogsie and phase 11 went way back to the past and had the audience who knew the calypsoes NEVER EVER WORRY by Lord Pretender and ICE MAN by Lord
Read more…Do u envision in the future T&T / USA sending each other's Panorama winners to perform in their Panorama finals as automatic qualifier's because of their victories or as a guest artist. or do u see transportation and housing and other things as a pr
Read more…You can now view the Adlib Steel Orchestra tempo version of its 2016 Brooklyn Panorama arrangement of "Bam Bilam Bam Bilam Bilam Bam". Recorded in the panyard on the evening of Friday September 2nd. Includes a slideshow from the Friday rehearsal and
Read more…The proposed PAN/CD is a brilliant idea for moving Pan Music forward both locally and globally. do we need approval or green light from Pantrinbago the governing body for pan, Govt. to produce this show? If pantrinbago is not a part of this produc
Read more…Oswald Alexander and Bertel Gittens and Merrytonestothebone are three unheralded pan soldiers who work their fingers to the bone down in T&T and still find time to come on this forum and contribute to the discussions.
Dem three fellahs have some BIG
Read more…I well understand FIXATIONS!!! But, LORD, this is WAY TOO MUCH. The WINDSHIELD in your car is about 80% larger than your REAR VIEW MIRROR and you spend less than FIVE PERCENT of your time looking into the REAR VIEW MIRROR when you are driving. Why? B
Read more…Looks like now is the time for a new assessment and review...
The Music Industry in Trinidad and Tobago
Ralph Henry
Kairi Consultants Limited
14 Cochrane Street, Tunapuna, Trinidad, WI
Alvin Daniel
In and earlier post about the difference between TRIPOLI amplified band and HIGHLANDERS amplified pans, PATRICK RAMDOO said bring the history, at the end of the day, it must have been a bad idea, where is it today . Could someone enlighten him on t
Read more…In the late 1950's TRIPOLI amplified their band which was on a float with one MIC that captured the sound of the whole band that came thru a speaker box. In the middle of 1960's Bertie marshall of Highlanders attached his MIC's directly to the unde
Read more…Although Claude is suffering from the concussion Lebron and company gave him in game 6, he does raise an interesting point. Why do we spend so much time in the past when talking about Pan music and experiences? This is not something that is locked in
Read more…This is what happens when you take Local Government, Business interests and the Arts Society working together...Virginia Beach is coast line city promoted as a weekend getaway and family-fun vacation destination. A 3 mile boardwalk along the ocean fr
Read more…Invaders rocked Town with their Bomb tune Merry Widow Waltz, Steelbands played both their Panorama and a Bomb tune for Finals Carnival Sunday night. The Band that won Panorama and the other Band that won Bomb that night did not win the Jouvert mornin
Read more…If We EXPATS had not Migrated Overseas would we be Hell Bent on bringing back Pan playing and rolling on the road on Carnival days or would we be just as the locals in the mecca of Pan accepting that Playing pan on Trucks on carnival days is a step i
Read more…Recently , I posted the following on Facebook , and I thought it worthy of discussion on this forum
"Sometimes I think that in our desire to ensure that pan players be compensated , we forget the reason why most of us started "playing the steel pans