
  • Ray has nothing to prove....he is a genuine, great musician, a great panman- arranger, and, a genuine great person!

    (Ask Boogsie!) ;-)

  • In my own little way I gave Ray kudos for all that he has done for Pan. As the bass player in his ensemble, I have had the honour of working with this gentleman for the last ten to fifteen years outside of the panyard. His attention to detail is second to none and a rehearsal with R. Holman is always a learning experience. Lord Superior sang my own Tribute to Ray Holman in 2010, and I made reference to Clive Bradley's high regard for Ray in the chorus.

  • Ray does not have to win anything, for his name to be etched in the annals of pan history. For pan listening pleasure, check out all Ray's compositions, Bradley's arrangements. Listen to Othello Molineau's  "It's about time" for jazz.

    • patrick it's true Ray don't have to win anything, I'm sure he'll like to get away from the "BUT" factor, but yuh never win with yuh own tune.

    • PATRICK!!!! Where have you been? Ah was wondering when yuh would come and rescue meh from all the licks at taking for putting up this post. This is what I say, Patrick, and I hope you agree with me. I say give praises to a man when he his ALIVE and don't wait until ah men dead to SHOW/SHOWER APPRECIATION for his contributions to the pan. Praise the LIVING and bury the DEAD.

  • Ray Holman will always be measured on the Panorama Scale, especially since he was the first to compose his own music for it.

  • It would be impossible for me to put Ray Holman on a Panorama Scale to measure his Pan Weight in the PAN KINGDOM. For any "real" Trinidadian the word "PAN" has extremely broad connotations. Amplified, really. So I will have to put Ray Holman on a holistic pan scale in which case the man weight almost touching the sky.

  • Ray may not have won a Panorama Title in his steelpan career thus far...  But in my heart and mind and those of many other pan affectionados, he should have and remains one of my favourite, period. >

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