The President of Pan Trinbago, Mr. Keith Diaz, is quoted in the print media of January 10th ,2014* as saying that “unsponsored bands have been taken care of” with respect to prize money for the World Steelband Music Festival 2013. If he said so, then it is an untruth. No unsponsored band has received prize money, as of today.
Mr.Diaz is also quoted in the media of January 14th 2014** as saying that “the only Steelband from the entire festival that is sending all kinds of nebulous letters to the media, here and internationally, is Woodbrook Modernaires”. We are certain that Mr. Diaz does not know the meaning of the word “nebulous”,if he is quoted correctly.
We make no apologies, if we are the only ones sending letters, according to Mr. Diaz. As a matter of fact, if anything, Woodbrook Modernaires may be guilty of remaining silent for too long, while a small group of men, led by Mr. Diaz, exploits the goodwill of Panmen and Panwomen, aided and abetted by a few self seekers, and hustlers, within and out of the movement.
The time has come for pan people to awake from their slumber, and take heed of what is happening in their organization.
Pan Trinbago, established by Act of Parliament, is a public organization, and guardian of the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago, for all the of the people of this country, here and abroad. Pan Trinbago’s business is everyone’s business. Pan Trinbago receives millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money, every year.
Here are the facts:
1. Pan Trinbago said that they were having a Steelband Music Festival competition. They hosted a launch at the Capital Plaza Hotel, Wrightson Road, and said that over two million dollars in prize money was at stake. Pan Trinbago never told the bands that they were not in possession of the monies. On the contrary, by their words and actions, they led the bands to believe that the Ministry of Arts and MultiCulturalism, had guaranteed the prize money. The competition was duly held (with the conventional bands final at the Queen’s Park Savannah, of all places), and after one month of silence, Pan Trinbago, was no doubt informed that “Modernaires”was about to deliver this letter (see attachment 1) to them.
2. Pan Trinbago hastily issued a letter of its own (see attachment 2).
3. After another month of silence, during which time, the President flew off to dinner in London, and other members of the Executive clique flew to Africa, Pan Trinbago then issued cheques for assistance to the bands. This payment was actually due before the competition. As some bands are saying, it appeared to be a thinly veiled strategy, designed to buy time, and silence, as they tried to repair the damage of their deceit.
4. A “General Meeting” (unconstitutional), held on 9th January, was called to discuss the outstanding Financial Report of the organization, the President’s Report and Panorama 2014. Mr. Diaz chose this occasion, to announce that a note had only just been sent to the Cabinet, asking for the prize money.
We in Woodbrook Modernaires deem this a knee jerk response,as this should have been done at least four months ago.While we are happy that the threat of our letter,has forced a reaction,it is much too late to buy our silence. We wish to state that silence is no longer an option for us, given the general state of affairs in our organization, where mis-management, lack of transparency, and the lack of accountability continue to plague us.
In keeping with our commitment, we are issuing a public demand for Mr. Diaz and his cabal to provide for discussion, without delay, the accounts of the organization, presently in their possession. This should have been done since October. We also call on them, to put out for public tender, requests for proposals to provide the infrastructure for the Panorama 2014 “Greens”, which he has said may cost between “two and three million dollars”.
Today we call on all bands, and pan lovers everywhere, to join us as we begin to confront the situation which has taken root in Pan Trinbago. We serve notice that we shall continue to speak against acts of deceit and deception, when they occur.
Since taxpayers’ funds are involved, we demand that there be transparency in our financial dealings!
Douglas Williams.
‘D’ Original Woodbrook Modernaires Steel Orchestra
Executive Member of The New Visionaries Pan Foundation.
*Trinidad Guardian Jan 10th 2014. Article by Peter Blood.
** Trinidad Guardian Jan 14th 2014. Article by Peter Blood.
One can click on the ,,,BLOGS,,,,click on page 14,,,heading, WOULD PAN DIE IN TRINIDAD IF THERE WAS NO PANORAMA,,Posted by ,,Ken Green,,,dated March the 4th 2010,,iif I am correct,,,,,there are 18 comments,,one could re'read the same ,,BOYCOTT is mentioned along with its supposed after effect,,persons such as Glenroy Joseph ,,Ian fFanklin and others had placed their input ,,,quite interesting to read.,,respect.
With all of the ongoing discussions and or dialpogue hereon /herein ,I do think hat we should focus on the part of taking a positive action towards Pantrinbago, supporting the New Visionaries,,a Boycot with any other effective action taken that would bring these radicals to total subjection,,,,Pantrinbago,,,,bringing about a permanent change for the benefit of all Arrangers,,Tuners and Steelpan Men and Steelpan Women whom are at the hands of the thieves,,bandits,,robbers, who are still enduring total stagnancy,,my commebts may be offensive for some but the truth ,,justice is what o do stand for as a down to earth Panman my respect to all on WST. God Bless.
Robert, I was the PRO of the organization for the 1978/1979 term and not Taradth,he came afterwards. I too resigned in that year (1979) like George Goddard, due to what some bands attempted, which was to bring off the panorama with some business men behind the back of the executive, although the general body took a decision to boycott. Starlift was approached to attend a meeting as we were defending champions from 1978 and they felt that we should be there.The committee of the band stood firm and said no. The minister at the discussions read a note he received which said "what the panmen are asking for is a tea cup from a bucket of water,but as long as George Goddard is their president, they will have nothing to get." Not understanding the politics, I learnt that Goddard had crossed the floor from PNM to some party called WINP and bad talked Eric Williams on a Woodford Square platform,so I guess we paid the price for that. That discussion was on a Saturday and at a general meeting on the Monday, that was conveyed to the general body and that was when the decision was taken to boycott.
A decision was taken not to play pan crossing the stage and the then minister of culture offered bands a fee if they play some tunes on the stage and Arnim Smith said if any band played on stage, they would be banned from panorama in 1980. Desperadoes played and the following year(I was not a member of the executive),Arnim said he was told by the minister that if any attempt was made to ban Desperadoes, no money will be released for panorama.As we all know the panorama went on as usual in 1980. I know many wondered what was the real story behind the 1979 thing, I was present at the ministry of culture.
Mr. Clarke, THANK YOU for clarifying the facts for Mr. Robert Saldenha. The estranged relationship between the PNM and George "Sonny" Goddard, actually began in 1970, when he spoke at the "University of Woodford Square", on a NJAC (led by Makandal Daaga) platform. In 1971, he was fired while still under a 1-year contract with the government, for his political affiliations. (So much for "democracy".)
Anyway, while others are praising Mr. Saldenha as "distinguished", I will post a response shortly, that will expose his lack of "intellectual honesty", border-lining plagiarism, as they relate to his lack of proper citation and reference use. (Maybe, Dr. Lance, himself an author, can explain.) While Mr. Saldenha quoted from my dad's works, of which I am one of the legal copyright owners, he failed to properly cite quotations from my dad's book. (More on that later.) Mr. Saldenha, and other "distinguished historians" are all hereby warned, that any copyright infringements, will be dealt with, according to the law. I understand that Trinidad and Tobago has become a lawless society, however, my family and I will prosecute anyone who has plagiarized any part of my dad's works.
So while many WST members sing praises of his article, remove what he gathered from Goddard's book, and have him rewrite it. Finally, as "distinguished" a "historian" that he may be, he did not know that Gerard Clarke was the PRO in 1979, and even when I, as the son of the author whose works he continually quoted, shared with him the facts, he still doubted that the info I provided was accurate. You see, all they are upset about, is the fact that I keep bringing up my dad's name. However, when we look at the works of these "distinguished historians", NOT ONE of them can write the history of the steelbands, without referring to that same name - George "Sonny" Goddard. When they write their "history" books, they have NO OTHER CHOICE but to refer to my dad's works, not just as "author", but as a pioneer of the steelbands, and the LEADER of ALL three associations, spanning over 40 years! I would think that, the "distinguished historian", would have, at least, refer to the same book he quoted ad nausea, to verify if my claim was true; that Gerard Clark was the PRO. Instead, he had to hear it from Mr. Clarke himself, and I leave it up to the reader, to determine, who is more credible, if not "distinguished".
Finally, it is apparent that Mr. Claude Gonzales has NO other intention but to discredit me and see me fail. It has become a game of "Whack-A-Mole", where he keeps popping up with his ugly head, every time I whack it back in its hole. I recognize that he is not only trying to distract me, but trying to engage me in behaviors that would alienate others. And so, whenever I am interviewed, or whenever I make a move, he is right there. His level of immaturity is really disappointing, and his level of hate for me, is something that he has to come to terms with, and not me.
Again, I dismissed him as the "head-hunter" that he is, for the steelband-hater that he is, for the racist that he is, although he tries to project his own attitudes and opinions, and try to make others believe that I hate East Indians. LET ME BE CLEAR: Who I "hate" are racist, nepotistic Indo-Trinbagonians; the ones bringing down our country, and destroying African culture, steelbands included. I am not going to continue defending myself on this; those who KNOW me, know where I stand, including my White, Chinese, Latino, and East Indian friends, some of whom are not from Trinidad and Tobago. I challenge ALL of you to go back and look at his comments, as they relate to "more than two pans is noise", and his associations with crime and race; that CRIME=BLACK. Again, racists use "code words"; they may not call you the "N-word", but their opinions and attitudes, as evidenced by their comments, reveal their true perceptions of Blacks, especially those living in lower-income communities. What is repulsive, is that Indo-Trinbagonians seem to be "off-limits"; say ANYTHING against them, and be branded, regardless of the truth behind your statements. I owe it to my fellow Afro-Trinbagonians, to be honest and open about how they are still viewed by our East Indian counterparts, and as we say, "Who vex, vex!" TO THE INDO-TRINBAGONIAN COMMUNITY: END YOUR CLANNISH BEHAVIOURS AND YOUR NEPOTISM! EMBRACE AFRICAN CULTURE AS WE EMBRACED INDIAN CULTURE! (Then, you will prove that you are not "racist". Otherwise...)
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.
You experience part of the history, I hope one day you would shear YOURSTORY.
Cecil, I am sure Gerard have a story to tell, so far I haven't heard anyone questioned any of his past Comments
Right about now it look as if I go have to BUY a story from somebody, boy. All kinda man coming out with all kinda pan story and I eh even have ah tale to tell.
Claude, Looks like you was still in Diapers
Gerard Clarke, former Public Relations Officer of Pan Trinbago, stated, "We have been deceived by Government" (Source: Express, Looks like Panorama poops. January 27, 1979, p. 18.) This article also referred to my dad "washing his hands" and handing over the reins to Arnim Smith, while warning them to not follow him and "institute any boycott nonsense".
Gerard Clarke: With this kind of money [$500] it is not worth our while to enter Panorama. An existing band spends [between] $15,000 and $20,000...while a new band can spend up to $60,000. (Source: Express, February 14, 1979.)
Starlift stood steadfast, boycotting not only Panorama, but all other Carnival events that were held in the Savannah that Carnival weekend. Interestingly the title of the Express' Carnival Sundayedition was, "De Spirit Gone!" Such were the days when steelbands were considered such an integral part of our annual cultural celebration. Now they are told (or "advised") to get out. Finally, I would encourage other students of steelband history, to seek out Dr. Selwyn Ryan's (formerly of UWI) analysis, which was published in the Express on February 25, 1979. Hope this information is helpful. Have a great day.
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.
I have been long advocating for the panmen of TnT to form some sort of Association or Union to advance the cause of the panmen.
Remember that Pan Trinbago is a government entity in reality as well as intent and actually more represents the government position than that of the panmen.
There is a similar situation with West Indies cricket where the WICB is supposed to represent cricketing interests in the West Indies but it takes a player association WIPA to bring them to heel.
The proposed pan layers' association could operate in a similar way with a similar role of defending the players' rights and taking their position to Pan Trinbago for negotiation in good faith.
The idea of one band by band approach to problems will never work. Modernairs made their own appeal but other bands are in the same or similar position and an association that speaks for all the bands would have greater clout than any one band on its own