The Winds of Change - New York Steelband Association set to Alter Course
New York - With only a week into the 2010 season the winds of change have propelled themselves into the consciousness of the steelpan music world. When Steel Talks News has been informed that on December 8th, 2009 a majority of the United States Steelband Association (USSA) membership passed a vote of no confidence on the Board of Director and Executive Officers of USSA.
An interim committee is presently in place and a date for elections has been set for mid-January 2010, to be followed by the installation of new officers.
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I really thought that this sort of thing only happened in Trinidad and Tobago !!! But, the competition by people to govern at the panmans expense seems to be Worldwide. It's always a sad turn of events for Culture.
I believe that it is in the interest of this unique art form that efforts be initiated to maintain
unity within the established organization. An important institution as Pan Times could lend
some serious influence in this direction.
Remember that it was only after the intervention of the then Prime Minister, Dr. Eric Williams
in 1961, that order was established out of the chaos of the Steel-Bands warfare. As I understand,
there is some discrepancies in the validity of the no-confidence vote. We should all come together
in an effort to explore the tremendous assert involved in a potential industry of this Art form
yet to be effectively mastered even in the land of it's birth, T&T.
Desmond M. Chase
Hawks International
GospelPan > Desmond M. ChaseJanuary 10, 2010 at 7:14pm
I have also heard the same thing that there were serious discrepancies in the validity of the no-confidence vote and from what I understand it is some of the same folks who put on a steel band show without getting the USSA involved. If all of this is true and I think it is, then what all of this simply amounts to is a COUP, which is sad because all these guys know each other and they lime together.
I also understand that this is publicity that none of them want and they hope to resolve the matter quickly and quietly as they are friends.
Hopefully, everything will be resolved soon and we can begin working together to make things better for pan and pan people.
What's funny is that before all of this, I was seriously considering running for President of the USSA...boy I really must of hit my head organization can succeed unless everyone abides by it's rules and pulls in the same direction.
That's too funny GospelPan. But it's also a damming statement about the people who run the steelband organizations. I think you should run for president. It is only then will there be any possibility of change. So, Gospel, please reconsider and run. If you win, the crooks will have to retire. Only in pan can you fail miserably and be boldface enough to want to still want to lead. And even worst, is that there are people who will want to follow you.
Thanks for the vote of confidence bugs, but this situation will be resolved soon and when the dust settles I prefer to assist in some kind of advisory capacity.
the pan cafe > GospelPanJanuary 11, 2010 at 1:33pm
I agree with Bugs on this one.
No matter what country we come from, Pan needs people like you..
let me first say that this move for what reason be it will not work because how can you make those kind of changes to USSA when most of the bands are STAYING with the present management ADLIB BOSTON METRO & BRANCHES CYP DEMSTARS DRADOES HARMONY HARLEM HEART OF STEEL JAMBARLASI MOODS MASICIANS PAN SONATAS PAN IVORY STEEL SENSATION out of all the bands the only bands that has not yet decide yet is CASYM & UTOPIA and my gut feeling is they will join the rest.. the people who is behind this has in the pass proven that all they care about is themself and before we start closing doors that is already open we should try and fix the ones that are broken if a case goes to trail and the jury get the case if every body dont come to one decision the case will be a miss trail all i am saying we should go about this thing the democartic way they voted for IKE as president so if they think it is time for him to move before his time take a vote and let the mejority win so pan people could SESAME FLYERS keith marcelle alway starting trouble??? left USSA in a hole when he was president in2001 2002 panorama???? bands still did not get payed for that WOMAN IN STEEL its all about the women not the steel band
CROSSFIRE always have intention to rule PANTONIC to nice thrust her friends to much DESPERS USA to many crooks no one to lead them PAN AMBASSODORES can not follow rules.alway has to have the last say ????? so lets see panpoeple 6 bands causing all this fuss ??? so i say we need some one who can unite all the bands not devided them if IKE is not that person let all the bands say so not a bunch of no it alls there is always a way to do things the right way and the wrong way and this way is the wrong way. what message can we send WIADCA or any one with the state things are pan people we been through this already road before take the motto of trinidad toghether we aspire togethe we archive and let figure out how to put this thing together without looking like fools . let DREW PROCESS take its course and end the COUP
unity within the established organization. An important institution as Pan Times could lend
some serious influence in this direction.
Remember that it was only after the intervention of the then Prime Minister, Dr. Eric Williams
in 1961, that order was established out of the chaos of the Steel-Bands warfare. As I understand,
there is some discrepancies in the validity of the no-confidence vote. We should all come together
in an effort to explore the tremendous assert involved in a potential industry of this Art form
yet to be effectively mastered even in the land of it's birth, T&T.
Desmond M. Chase
Hawks International
I have also heard the same thing that there were serious discrepancies in the validity of the no-confidence vote and from what I understand it is some of the same folks who put on a steel band show without getting the USSA involved. If all of this is true and I think it is, then what all of this simply amounts to is a COUP, which is sad because all these guys know each other and they lime together.
I also understand that this is publicity that none of them want and they hope to resolve the matter quickly and quietly as they are friends.
Hopefully, everything will be resolved soon and we can begin working together to make things better for pan and pan people.
What's funny is that before all of this, I was seriously considering running for President of the USSA...boy I really must of hit my head organization can succeed unless everyone abides by it's rules and pulls in the same direction.
No matter what country we come from, Pan needs people like you..
Who Knows You May Even Like It
CROSSFIRE always have intention to rule PANTONIC to nice thrust her friends to much DESPERS USA to many crooks no one to lead them PAN AMBASSODORES can not follow rules.alway has to have the last say ????? so lets see panpoeple 6 bands causing all this fuss ??? so i say we need some one who can unite all the bands not devided them if IKE is not that person let all the bands say so not a bunch of no it alls there is always a way to do things the right way and the wrong way and this way is the wrong way. what message can we send WIADCA or any one with the state things are pan people we been through this already road before take the motto of trinidad toghether we aspire togethe we archive and let figure out how to put this thing together without looking like fools . let DREW PROCESS take its course and end the COUP