They say that THE RACE has boiled down to BYER and SHEPPARD. I never saw SHEPPARD in the HAND -- but once FORTEAU STACKED THE DECK with FAKE BANDS, SHEPPARD STOCK hit the SKY knocking BEVERLEY and VALENTINE out of the race.
So that is the CHOICE, folks!!! And I will give the edge to SHEPPARD because with FORTEAU dealing out the VOTING CARDS -- you can't BEAT THE HOUSE!!!
Of course, I have devised a PLAN to upset the FORTEAU and SHEPPARD apple cart but the CANDIDATES down in LAX lack the POLITICAL MATURITY to implement my PLAN!!!
Well I have some very reliable sources which I have cultured for years. So I have to take their GROUND WORD for it. The truth is that political winds could change directions in a minute. So it just has to do with what DIRTY LINENS fall out of the closet over the next two weeks.
After the big MEETING TODAY -- we may have to UPDATE THE LEADER BOARD one more time!!!
Phase ll - Woman is Boss
How reliable are your sources Claude?
From the Q&A with Mr. BYER
Reply by merrytonestothebone yesterday
Answered like a true politician Mr Byer…But the truth is you can't simply lump all the blame on "steel band leaders". Since you were a member of Pan Trinbago's central executive for 10 years you no doubt know they/you simply turned a blind eye to the problem because they/you were/are afraid to rock the boat. A few years ago one of your rivals for the post of President promised to "look into it"upon taking office…So that response is not new to me.
A candidate for this upcoming election visited our pan yard recently and when confronted with the same question, one of his colleagues stated that it would be better to deal with the matter "when they take office"…Imagine that?...
I guess its safer to be popular, than face the consequences of being honest...
Everybody wants to go to heaven…But nobody wants to die…Allyuh not fooling me one bit...
Your President SHEPPARD guilty by association turning a BLIND eye to illegality...Gangstas running a criminal enterprise. VOTER PADDING???
I couldn't agree with you more. Sheppard should not even be in the race as he is part of the corrupt organisation which we are trying to get rid of. It will be a sad day for pan if Sheppard and his "Pan Patriots" win.