THE CARNIVAL SEASON is upon us, and from what I read the Carnival stakeholdres have presented their varying budgets which run into millions of dollars.
Example Pan Trinbago requested $50 million to do their thing and got half - still a lot of money, and other bodies did the same. Seeing that the word accountability is being bandied about in every corner,
questions being asked, do these Carnival stakeholders have among their organisation permanent accountants, who will oversee taxpayers money.
Saying pan, kaiso and mas contributes a lot of money to the country is all well and good, that is not in dispute. The question is accountability of government's money given and how it is spent. So let us know the organisational chart of these Carnival stakeholders.
It’s rather late in the day to be talking of budgets for the 2012 Carnival celebrations. Our Carnival cannot blossom into its true greatness until and unless our citizens and Governments view it as the important, annual festival of National significance that it is.
At this time, we should be selecting a competent panel of forward thinking persons who understand the nature and meaning of Festivals and Rituals to the development of a society like ours. Their task would be to analyse the up-coming festival, identify what worked, what didn’t work so well and what did not work at all. This panel would also receive and evaluate recommendations and suggestions from the public as a whole.
Reports of their findings should be published as soon after Ash Wednesday 2012 as possible. These recommendations would lay the framework for implementing improvements to subsequent Carnivals and the process will continue. In due course these records would become a valuable resource and chart the history of the festival’s development. It is time that serious post-mortem studies and analyses are done on our major national festival annually, if it is to improve.
Let us see if “when steel talks, anybody really listens”. With respect, ASW
You've got to be joking!!!!! Accountability?????? The word does NOT everrrrrr appear in the Trinidad language!!!! Politicians to begin with have never had accountability so why should any other shareholder in anything concerning taxpayers' money have to show accountability. Never happen!!!
The taxpayers moneys is spent here to promote not only carnival but also the country.
There should be accountability. Do we know how much moneys is going into private pockets ?