Andy Narell is a Super Choice! Regardless of the bias ignorant mentality of many individuals in the pan arena, it is really hard not to acknowledge the fresh, clean, and harmonic sound that Andy Narrel brings to table. He is a Boss! With excitment, I will be awaiting the sounds of Birdsong for panorama 2013. I can't wait!
Best of luck to Andy and the Birdsong crew for 2013. Also, I am publicly sending thanks to the members of Birdsong, Mandy and Edwin for performing at my blessed late brothers Ronald PanAm Clarke wake on Thursday night before his funeral two week ago.
I wish Andy and Ray all the best, but don't expect miracles people. Panorama always was and still is a carnival competition. Arrangers that understand and exploit this simple fact will always have an advantage where the adjudication, both professional and layman, is concerned.
I am good with this...and it should serve to greatly encourage the youth to stick with the band that made them rather than seek other horizons in the search for panorama glory.
Andy Narell is a Super Choice! Regardless of the bias ignorant mentality of many individuals in the pan arena, it is really hard not to acknowledge the fresh, clean, and harmonic sound that Andy Narrel brings to table. He is a Boss! With excitment, I will be awaiting the sounds of Birdsong for panorama 2013. I can't wait!
Intresting..Good luck to Andy and Ray and the bands they will work with.
Good luck Andy and Birdsong I hope you're judged fairly.
Best of luck to Andy and the Birdsong crew for 2013. Also, I am publicly sending thanks to the members of Birdsong, Mandy and Edwin for performing at my blessed late brothers Ronald PanAm Clarke wake on Thursday night before his funeral two week ago.
I wish Andy and Ray all the best, but don't expect miracles people. Panorama always was and still is a carnival competition. Arrangers that understand and exploit this simple fact will always have an advantage where the adjudication, both professional and layman, is concerned.
DJ, we want it to be about good music too.
Good luck ANDY, you will need it, is trini's you dealing with
Please institute a better judging system or preferably better judges, so that the art-form is evenly assessed.
I am good with this...and it should serve to greatly encourage the youth to stick with the band that made them rather than seek other horizons in the search for panorama glory.