Anger over Power Soca Monarch demise

GARY CARDINEZ - Trinidad Newsday

SOCA artiste Fay Ann Lyons Alvarez, lead singer of the Asylum Vikings, went on the “war path” at the Soca in Moka All Inclusive fete Sunday evening, condemning the powers behind the Soca Monarch competition for a decision to do away with the Power Soca Monarch segment of the competition.

Pulling no punches, Fay Ann gave vent to her frustration saying artistes give their all and make major personal sacrifices only to be shown disrespect by both promoters and patrons of the Soca Monarch competition.

Lyons made it clear that people who come to fete with a certain mindset and just bad mouth artiste can, “kiss my black ***!” Lyons Alvarez’s outburst was in reaction to the announcement that there will no longer be a ‘Power Soca’ category in the Soca Monarch competition.

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  • It's 2016, so Happy New Year to you all, but we could comment without using "Grenadian" in a derogatory manner. Let's pass on healthy Caribbean histories to our children.

    Thanks all,


  • Lol Claude I must commend you for your insight on topics.You don't hold back the reality is guys that in this our SWEET TNT eating ah food precedes anything.Whether it be proper governance by politicians,sports administrators,promoters,some artistes.Its all about eating ah food as they popularly like to say.The culture,the state of the country,the infrastructure,the schools ,the hospitals ,etc,etc, none of that matters by the powers that be.EAT AH FOOD should replace. TOGETHER WE ASPIRE,TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE.(I am still smiling Claude).

  • ''Munro is Really The Second Grenadian to Tell The People Of Sweet T&T to Kiss My Black Ass. For Many Years He has Milked the Government and the Artistes. The Government has been Subsidizing Soca Monarch for Years with All the Revenue Going to Munro. He Has Robbed the Artiste For Many Years. Now that the Government Has Withhold Certain Monies because of Fiscal restraint He Decides to Cancelled the Soca Monarch Power Soca Monarch. He is a Wicked Man He rode on these Artiste Backs for all these Years now that things are Tight He Dumps Them.

    • Val, one of many people that used tax dollars to pad their pockets. When the government is going to realize that they are making a FEW people filthy rich by funding certain carnival events?

      • Cecil. When Will they ever Learn.  When Will They Ever Learn!


    • THREE THEN!!! Thanks for the UPDATE!!!

  • I read this article (and posted it elsewhere) and only ONE THING comes to mind: This is the second time a GRENADIAN told TRINIDADIANS to KISS MY BLACK ASS in TRINIDAD!!!

  • Soca Monarch aka Fantastic Friday have become an important part of the pre Carnival shows. This is a great opportunity for all Soca artist to take a stand and boycott this year event and show the promoters who is the real boss. No live coverage  and  no Power Soca segment is a big slap in the face to the artists and the fans.


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