Hotep. I've been doing a little research over the last few days, and based on the law, the facts, and evidence, Pan Trinbago and any "for profit" business or company they form, may not be legal, and in violation of applicable statutes, as they relate to "non-profit" unions or "associations". One thing is clear, they are, at least, guilty of false advertising, for their website claims that they are a "non-profit body incorporated in Trinidad and Tobago".
Their "Constitution" specifically states that, "The Association shall not have or issue shares or stock. No dividend shall be paid and no part of the property or income of the Association shall be distributed to the members or officers of the Association.” Article 11 (Finance), The Constitution of Pan Trinbago. In other words, Pan Trinbago (being a "non-profit Association" cannot engage in business that provide shares or stock. This ATTSDC "partnership", CANNOT legally have either the Association, or ANY of its members representing the Association, be a part owner/ shareholder, from what I understand. Granted, I am not an attorney, but, I am going to contact the Pan Trinbago membership, and alert them to the fact, that they may have a "class action" case against Pan Trinbago, and should unite, and retain legal representation.
Trinidad and Tobago Companies Act: A “non-profit” company, means a company without share capital. Page 30 of 629. (See Part V – Other Registered Companies. Division 1- Companies Without Share Capital. 301. Page 188 of 629. Also seeForm 2 – Articles of Incorporation, Non-Profit Company. Page 521 of 629. Also Form 29 – Annual Return of a Non-Profit Company incorporated or Continued under the Act. Page 587 of 629.)
Don't get me wrong, you ALL know me and my "Africaness", and I am sure if I stated that "it is there (Africa) that it all started...", as did the an Trinbago President, in his welcome address, those with "race issues", would have came out the proverbial woodwork, to eat me up. I am ALL for promoting pan, not just in my "Motherland", but all over our beautiful planet, and I continue to expose students of "every walk of life", to the instrument I love and adore. But I am not willing to see others exploit the industry and her "workers", for personal gain, especially while breaking the law in the process. The average pan man and pan woman, will NEVER benefit from this business venture, any more than they did, from the "prostitution" of Panorama this year, and these are the people that the "Legacy of George Sonny Goddard", will continue to defend, represent, and "fight" for. (Excuse my grammar.)
Finally, it is not coincidental, that two members resigned earlier this week, nor that we see all the rhetoric about lawsuits and suing people for speaking out, and speaking the truth. I eagerly await for Pan Trinbago or any of their "agents" on WST, to take me to court, for, again, I will prove that they have no legal precedent, and, as such, all intended motions should be vacated. Stay tuned; the "Revolution" is in progress, and DOES NOT need, NOR intend to be violent or illegal. One thing is clear: whether Boogsie realizes it or not, he has chosen the side of the enemy of the STEELBAND MOVEMENT. Namely, Pan Trinbago. Go ah food, Boogsie...
Other Info:
“Pan Trinbago Inc. is a Cultural Association designed to represent a membership and to promote the Steelpan and its music. In 1991, the Association took the forward step of putting together a Capital Investment Programme, which was submitted to Cabinet. It might interest you to know that the principals involved in structuring the document were two eminent economists who were active pan men (Who are these two “pan men”?)…The question of profit so very often emerges and this is so because many people do not understand that Pan Trinbago is a unique entity – it carries out the functions of a Union but cannot be classified as a Union, which it is not…The Association is not in the business of making a profit, there are independent arms, which look after the business of profit making e.g. The revenue side of Panorama is dealt with by the Investment Corporation as part of its mandate.” Melville Bryan.
Pan Trinbago Investment Corporation
2. Trinidad and Tobago Pan Works (No Website found)
Pan Trinbago Cooperative Society ( and Tobago Constitution.pdf
Trinidad and Tobago Companies Act-81.01.pdf
Views: 708
Ghost, have no fear the movement for change is coming...check out Pan Buzz..
Thanks, odw, I read and posted the article on Facebook. The membership needs to go there tomorrow, preferably with legal representation, and challenge the legality of the organization, actions, as they relate to "doing business. Also, the relevant governmental bodies (responsible for the "Companies Act"), need to be contacted, and Pan Trinbago's actions need to be investigated. That is my opinion, on the best approach to take. Change truly is the ONLY constant...Hotep.
George, I am sure the executive of Pan Trinbago don't know their own constitution. Badman say, ah do wah ah want no one cud stop meh.
Yow, Cecil, I really don't know. Dey bad, until WE THE PAN PEOPLE legally take away their power, or legally force them to act within the confines of the laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. WE, not I (Big up to Starlift!!! lol. Who remember those days?)
I don't know if you are right or wrong Ghost. I am not even worried about your going public, but I am concerned at your adversarial stance on the issue. Even if there is some history of which I am unnaware, I still think there are better ways to handle what is in effect differing views on the role and performance of the national organisation. Leave that to the politicians who continue to make a mess.
Kelvin, and I am concerned that you are concerned, that I would take an "adversarial stance", on any action, of which I suspect may be illegal. We are not talking about "differing views" here my colleague, we are talking about the "views" of the laws and Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Whenever a company incorporates, the "Articles of Association" MUST (by law), clearly state the company's "role and performance", and, it is against the law, to "do business", that's outside of the stated purpose, i.e. profit or non-profit. Why would you choose to leave anything to anyone that continues "to make a mess", ESPECIALLY when it affects you, both as a citizen of Trinidad & Tobago, and as a "panman"? (Assuming that you see yourself as both.) I respectfully disagree with that attitude, which I think is very dangerous, because it gives way to irresponsible governance, corporate "white-collar" crime, and a general disregard for the laws of our nation. Politicians are POWERLESS, without our voting them into "power", and our civil responsibilities, extend far beyond a day a the ballot box every few years. The people of Trinidad & Tobago, didn't leave the PNM to continue making a mess; in fact, they were willing to do something, ANYTHING, about it. Finally, as a panman and "Trinbagonian", I am not sure if I would boast of being unaware of ANY "history" that affects you. I certainly keep myself "informed", especially in this convenient "Information Age", where I do not have to run down to the Public Library in town, just to make myself "aware". Again, I mean NO disrespect, my colleague, and I respect your view. In Ma'at (Truth. Justice. Reciprocity.)
Ghost - Who Speaks The Truth, Seeks Justice, And Sustains Reciprocity!
Pan'tum it would be a great pleasure and relief for us all, for the President of Pantrinbago to react to what you have publicised here,, and ah koow fuh a fact that there would be silence on their behalf,, be strong brother,nuff respect,,God Bless,
Jerome, thanks colleague. All I can do, is all I can do, and what I will continue to do. Namely, my "all", in opening the eyes of those who are asleep, appealing to the hearts of those who seem afraid to look at their consciences, and to mobilize those who choose apathy, in this moment of the STEELBAND MOVEMENT. We will ALL, now get a practical lesson, in exactly what that "movement" is all about, and my positions (as to "pan success"), will become clearer to those who may not be looking at the mountain the same way that I do. Shem Em Hotep, brother.
Afraid to comment? I doubt it; you are much braver than you think. Any attorneys out there? What's your take? Calling on the "brilliant" "legal" minds!!!
GHOST - Who Is NEVER Afraid To Talk!!! (Especially, when the law is on his side.)