Many years ago on Carnival days when Steelbands used to come up Charlotte and Frederick Streets one behind the other the first thing you see is the Flag Man or Woman then the banner stretch across the street with the band's Name and Logo big and bold on it. Now the banner is only used for Panorama or it is displayed on the side of Trucks carrying the Pans. (2) Each Steelband used to have their own distinct Tonal quality now the majority of them sounds ALIKE. (3) There is no more Loyalty to Playing Pan for your favorite Band with players Playing for several different Bands and they are not interested in who Wins as long as they get payment at the end of the SEASON. (4) Pushing Pan on the road on Carnival days and Playing Pan Jouvert Morning and Monday Evening and whole day Tuesday and still come out and play last Lap Tuesday Night may be a thing of the Past just as  when we used to go to Textel on Independence Square to make an Over seas CALL, Now is Cell and Smart Phones .Are  these things gone forever ? . Just asking but what do I know. Nuff  Said. BLESSINGSTO ALL.

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  • Pan Trinbago ,is the governing body for all pan related matters ,in TnT. Therefore we ALL on this forum,can only suggest ideas,and put them forward TO PAN TRINBAGO,,,,,,whether a person is living in TnT ,or on the moon. Hopefully Pan Trinbago reads what is proposed,and decides to implement whatever ideas they believe can work. Negativity doesn't get anywhere ,or gets anything done. Love yous all ,BLESSINGS.
    • Morning Glory, if the 10 large bands decide to run things on their own what could Pan Trinbago do?

    • N-A-I-V-E!!!!!!

      • True dat Claude !!!!!!!

  • Panicle, is an example of people from foreign trying to get something going in T&T what happen?

    • Allyuh let down d man!!!!!!

  • Ah tired of this "OLE TALK" over and over!

    I have also said sometime in the past that OLE TALK doh DO nothing!

    I have also suggested some time ago that we form ourselves as an active/PROACTIVE body, come down to sweet T&T,set up ah headquarters here, and do something fuh PAN & CULTURE!

    How many of us on this forum right now are willing to do this fuh our culture? I AM!!

    It is very easy to sit and watch tru binoculars and criticize the mediocrity!  The answer - Lets be hands-on with this, nuff OLE TALK, all hands on deck to solve this. TRUE?? Anything less is no use! 

    • Nice one Bertel!!!! "WATCH TRU BINOCULARS!!!" Yuh trying to MASHUP ah good lime or what?

    • Boi you will have to get accustom to OLE TALK because that what people in foreign have to offer, it

      is  totally up to the locals to first identify the problem, believe it's fixable then seek the help of ALL.

      Trini in foreign is  Trini too and have much concern for what goes on in the homeland but you won't find many that's willing and able to come and set up shop in T&T and this don't mean they should not voice their opinion.

      If there was no internet we wouldn't be having this conversation, the internet makes it possible for people to communicate so from here on in brace your self for a lot of OLE TALK

      • What a convenient EXCUSE!?

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