Ingrid: It might be hard for you to understand this CALYPSO. But I will send you a little essay on if of you don't get it. Better yet, I will let EARL RICHARDS explain it to you right here ON THIS FORUM!!!

Beverley in TROUBLE                                                                                                                             



And bugs want ah piece ah LAND

All dem PAN MEN calling the BEV

To put some CASH IN DEY HAND

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  • To make it simple: Once the election was over in 1956, THE PNM VOTERS thought that THE MESSIAH had arrived and since they had voted him into power, they were ENTITLED to REWARDS and their problems became his problems (in their minds). even their daily needs and issues like a woman's stockings needing patching suddenly became the responsibility of DR. WILLIAMS.

    Cut to today!!! And everybody campaigned hard for BEVERLEY and now that she won EVERYBODY is expecting BEVERLEY to be the MESSIAH of PAN -- solving all its problems and turning every PAN YARD into a CENTER OF EXCELLENCE bringing in MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and all PAN MEN will get RICH because PAN is the GREATEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ever invented and BEVERLEY will bring MILLIONS OF TOURISTS to TRINIDAD to see PAN MEN play PAN.

    And, of course, EVERYBODY want this from BEVERLEY and want that from BEVERLEY -- maybe not in absurd a way as the calypso dramatizes but CLOSE TO IT!!!

    The real irony is, however, BEVERLEY'S AMBITIONS have already gone way past THIS PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO POST. She now has her eyes on NATIONAL ELECTIONS because from this HIGH PROFILE seat as PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO she could parlay that hand into MP for TOBAGO or SENATOR or even PRIME MINISTER. This is a woman who is full of POLITICAL AMBITION.

    So in the end there will be no PAN MESSIAH and it is not going to be about what the PAN PLAYERS WANT but it will only be about what BEVERLEY WANTS FOR HERSELF. No finger pointing at her -- that is POLITICS all over the WORLD!!! And when foolish voters choose to swallow the POLITICAL BAIT -- well, they just live with the consequences until they wake up and learn.

    • Claude: I am sure that the voting pan people are only interested in Beverley getting them their pan monies.  Her political ambitions, for now at least, do not interest them!

      Even Stevie Wonder saw this one coming ...

  • Claude, you're not easy.

    • Mercer:  Claude knew I would struggle with the song.  I'm not sure if Webster's Dictionary would help me but I can take picong ....

  • Claude:  I've listened to the song and you're right .... I don't understand it.  I can substitute certain words but I'll have to listen to it again.

  • Claude!!!  Nice try you want to turn back the clock to early Sunday Morning. Just remember patience is Virtue and nothing happens before its time.

    • Claude eh sleep since Sunday.

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