Liam has the song and the players and the musical skills and the organization to win Panorama 2016 but I cannot see it happening. With his EXPANSIVE musical knowledge he does not have to hide behind over-used runs and chromatics. But ALL STARS is always the political favorite and Boogsie has to be given his due because of his "GENIUS" status.
Lots of PAN FANS have rated DUVONNE STEWART heir apparent to the PANORAMA THRONE. But this forum has praised AMRIT SAMAROO to no end and have high expectations for him.
Pelham Goddard seems like the early favorite because of HIS SONG this year (and proven musical ability).
The winner should come from that list.
If you understand Trinidad, it will be POLITICALLY INCORRECT for LIAM TEAGUE to win this PANORAMA. So it looks like when the roulette wheel stops ALL STARS may just be champs again with their STIFF, RECYCLED, NON-MELODIC music.
Whasi boy, I eh writing off EXODUS!!! Dat is meh FAMILY BAND!!!. But after 50 years, OUT OF TOWN bands have a VERY LOW win percentage.
Ok people don't forget there is a new kid on the block with the ability to upset the apple cart.
All Stars are going to be Panorama 2016 Champs; the competition is for 3rd place and descending. I’m going out on a limb here, the law of statistical probability dictates. Only two bands hold a monopoly on the 1st and 2nd place and that’s not going to change anytime soon.
1. 2005 Phase II – Trini Gone Wild
2. 2006 Phase II – This One For “U” Bradley
3. 2007 Trinidad All Stars – Pan Lamentation
4. 2008 Phase II – Musical Vengeance
5. 2009 Silver Stars – First in Line
6. 2010 Silver Stars - Battle Zone
7. 2011 Trinidad All Stars – It’s Showtime
8. 2012 Trinidad All Stars – Play Your Self
9. 2013 Phase II – More Love
10. 2014 Phase II – Jump High
11. 2015 Trinidad All Stars – Unquestionable.
odw: Nice choice of words -- 3rd Place and Descending!!!
If the breeze in the savannah blow too hard that night it could push the roulette wheel from ALL STARS to PHASE II ... doh tell meh another 3rd Place for Duvonne.
I Will Speak from the Heart Panorama Nowadays is Not About Good Music. Its About a Lively and Choreograph Show that is Held on the Saturday Before Carnival. Music is not the Main Agenda, Its flair and Gallery by the Pan Players and Most Time Re-cycled Piece from Previous Years. Panorama in todays Society is a Big Joke. Its always between Two Bands and their Arrangers. There is No Creativity in Panorama anymore. We Should Thank Master Jit Samaroo - Masters Clive - Jit Samaroo and Ray Holman for their Contributions and Live of the Memories of Beautiful Pieces. Panorama Has Lost its Way. Even Liam Teague Music Will Fall By the Way.
Claude you didn't get the memo. All Stars tune says "Leave We Alone". LOL
But seriously the 2016 panorama champ will come out of these bands you have listed.. Any band outside of these would constitute a major upset. I believe Pelham Exodus has to be in the top three. Their song is very strong.
I'm not sure about Silver Stars. I don't know if their players are willing to work as hard as Exodus and All Stars. That is an advantage XO and All Stars will always have.
I don't know about Phase II. I'm tired of Boogsie's tunes. His song writing is boring and amateurish. Duvone hasn't done it yet.
Actually, Bugs, I love polemic writing by nature (no surprise to you!!!) so I enjoyed the lyrics in "Leave We Alone" if not the melody. But I can hear how the music is SET FOR THE PAN and the ALL STARS PANORAMA PACKAGE!!!