I think that Panorama Format should be changed. Instead of having the Finals for Medium & Large Bands which is too long and drawn out. They should allow only Large Bands who will Play Two [2] Pieces like how it is done in the Festival. Tune of Choice and a Test Piece Calypso Piece for like six minutes, it will save a lot of time. Judge both pieces and add both scores and the highest score become Panorama Champion..
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Many patrons think Panoram goes on too long. Some love pan and don't care how long they play. Some want to reduce the number of bands, some want to eliminate the smaller bands.
Panorama can never be a be all and end all for everyone, so changes can be contemplated.
As far as being to long, that has been the perennial and long standing complaint.
So as suggested why not reduce the length of the performances, perhaps at least for the medium bands so that the large bands get going earlier.
Consideration should also be given to reducing the number of bands participating in each category. If the performances are reduced by 15 to 20% (as was done when tune length was reduced from 10 to 8 minutes) and the number of participants from 10 to 8 bands (another 20 %) then you have an overall 40% reduction in time so that the 12 hours or so of Panorama is now down to 7 to 8 hours and everybody going home before midnight. After all even panorama fans want to go to fetes or that other thing they do on Saturday night in the stadium.
Or just start the damn thing on time, if you could ever get that done.
Wayne, That is the key there,"just start the damn thing on time"
Mr. Dayal, the reality is that you live in a first world country vs those of us who live in one heading for 4th world status (if we eh there yet).. we have more debt/ death (41 murders so far for January)..... I see you point, it ain't happening....not here..500 million for 2x4 NAPA how much for your good idea?... we paid over a billion for our "new airport" which is not as large or developed as terminal 3 up by you.....nuff said.
I remember the old airport Winston Daval (alias Gons), they left out the waving gallery.
That change you talk about ain't gonna come. simply for the reasons Mr Clarke gave.
Judge ten bands playing their tune and let people go home.
Mr. Dayal.As you are aware, panorama is held in front of the grand stand. Some bands go with 120 players with a ratio such as 30tenors;10 double tenors;15 double seconds;10double guitars; 10 treble guitars;10 four cellos;25 bass(this includes nine basses) and 10engine room. With that spread on a revolving stage and to have two of them, the other will have to be "in Belmont or by All Saints Church." That system has worked at NAPA with stage sides performing and may work in countries where panorama bands are 20 to 50 players....not here or in this lifetime.
Mr. Curvan, all bands using the same pans would never be a reality and also will NOT save any time but can take much more time. Here are some reasons. 1 All bands do not set up their pans the same way or with the same placements. 2. According to the arrangement(s) some arrangers will want more of certain pan next to others as they may play certain parts together and the shifting and moving around of pans will take longer than a band rolling onto the stage. 3. bands rolling onto the stage have their racks numbered and geographic,(some are visible),so they come on knowing which rack(s) will face west or south and who plays next to whom. 4 hard hitting players will move some of the notes on some pans, some will do it deliberately, knowing that a big challenger is coming after them to use the pans on stage,some pans with the excitement will also fall off the rack.
5.Bands will want their tuner to check the pans before they start to make sure the play field is level. 6.The tone of the pans will not suit all bands based on their musical arrangements. That is a thought that lacks practical application or existence.