Check Mate, Pan Trinbago Power Hungry Queen attempts to grab two Moore years.
The question everyone keeps asking is, if she has so much support then why go through all of these unconstitutional measures to stay in office? Why the lack of confidence? Why all the plotting to set up a meeting to get support for her hidden agenda as other unsuspecting members were absent? Why not use that energy and resource to call an election and get your additional two years legally?
With more than half the Pan Trinbago members absent, in a reconvened extra-ordinary meeting yesterday, Sunday 4th September, originally convened to ratify minutes, Beverly Ramsey Moore’s good friend and highly paid office manager moved a motion for her to remain in office for two moore years. The motion was passed and she is now attempting to have a convention without an election.
When the election was put off in September/ October last year, under the guise of keeping her members safe, I, together with a group of band leaders warned that Beverley Ramsey Moore’s intention was to give herself three full years without facing the polls. After the Taste of Carnival, when it was clear that she was comfortable with everyone gathering for events but not for a constitutionally due election, she held a meeting with the promise that if there were no court cases against her, she will call the election. She asked us to refrain from public utterances, to be patient and she will make sure elections will be held in October. We did as she asked and still the membership was betrayed.
Beverly has been violating our constitution, abusing her power and continues to stay in office without facing the polls. A group of strong members have called her out and we will continue to do so despite her attempts to demonize the group members’ characters. The vocal members of this group have been discriminated against and victimised constantly. Her brazen lies extend outside the organisation’s doors to the nation. She has proven herself willing to say and do anything to continue in office. Just this week she led the Prime Minister to make misinformed statements. “For the first time after 30 years Beverly Ramsey Moore had Audited financial statements”. That is far from the truth. If Beverly’s executive presents the audited financial statements next month, it would be the first since she has been in office. Prior to her being in office, PT members got audited financial statements every year.
To Beverly, I know you don’t care about our constitution at all but I will still attempt to school you as it is my responsibility to do so. There are only two meetings that have the power to alter, suspend or change anything in our constitution.
- A convention
- A special convention
You and your office manager do not even have the knowledge to attempt your second coup within the right meeting. It shows that you all just read and don’t understand the very said constitution that ensured there was an election so that you could get the opportunity to be elected into your current position.
Shame on you and your team
All for power! Your action is criminal.
Aquil Arrindell
Enough is enough
This may be off topic for some, but helps capture the big picture.
“Narcissism and materialism are two of the four legs of American culture (Greed and Racism are the others enshrine in Law).
Social media just makes it simultaneous and immediate for large numbers.
Social Media companies continue to create intentionally addictive platforms that monetize narcissism and materialism”
"Dis place nice its a paradise." Brother Valentino
I feel comfortable enough to speak here..
A word to the wise, The Convention Meeting is sacrosanct in the Constitution of Pan Trinbago. It is the supreme legislative and judicial authority of the Association, and it is held every three years held between September 01 and Oct 31. It is the jackscrew fail safe mechanism of the Constitution, that safeguards the electoral mandate of the general membership to decide, to whom shall be given the governing mandate until the next scheduled Convention. The chief custodian of the Constitution is the incumbent President of the Association.
On record, Conventions have been postponed owing to numerous court actions over the years, and for COVID-19. In my experiences, if one attempts to shortcircuit that particular part of the Constitution, it will end up short-circuiting themselves; and when it is held, when the herd moves it will move, on whoever is doing the short-circuiting process. I have witnessed this during my service with Pan Trinbago...#doitright #lovewhereyoulive
Yuh think BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE care about THE CONSTITUTION when she stuffing her pocket with $27,500 every month plus all THE PERKS.
Those who live in Trinidad today know that 27,500 TTD is NOT big money for the work that the President of Pan Trinbago does. I am quite disappointed at this discussion and regret the defamation under the guise of free speech. Dictatorship? Really?
Denise: As far as I HEAR -- yuh eh see "DEFAMATION" yet ... people ON THE GROUND vex and they coming with ALL KINDA THUNDERBOLT!!!
If they have the civil and legal means to reverse any unconstitutional actions then they should employ those. The exaggeration and slander are unnecessary, are not constructive and only encourage the notion that we cannot manage anything. It also discourages willing persons from getting involved . Who would want to expose themselves to that kind of attack?
BTW has Pan Trinbago ever cancelled a Panorama? Did Pan Trinbago get a clean audit?
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
"Jealousy is a tribute which mediocrity pays to genius."
Why all the hating and judgment ? Were you there? Do you know the motives for Ms Moore's actions? Do ypu know what really happened? Speculation should not be dressed up as truth. You are alleging, so go ahead and allege put leave out the spin that converts allegation into truth.
Pan should be the focus and not personalities.