An agreement was made to pay the Pan players their remittance for performing in Panorama 2018 by the former Pantrinbago regime, the new Pantrinbago regime should do all in its power to Honor that agreement.Pan reach Far and High in Foreign, But in the Mecca of Pan, Way Pan reach, Way The Hell Pan Reach, Pan brings in Millions of Dollars to the economy for Panorama and the Panplayers scrunting for their remittance that was promised to them. Way the hell Pan reach in T&T, Way the Hell Pan Reach.
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Pan People exploiting Pan People.. this is not where we reach, it has always been like this. which makes it tragic.
Earl Richards: Yuh way more TALENTED than me when it comes to measuring the TIMBRE of THIS FORUM.
DON'T STOP POSTING, mon ami!!!
Boy, ALABAMA LOSING and if yuh see me come back and start CUSSING Beverly Supporters on THIS FORUM -- doh blame me -- is the YANKEE COLLEGE FOOTBALL in me -- like THE DEVIL IN MRS JONES!!!