After trilling us with 4 Panorama victories the Wrecker 1968, Play Mas 1969 tied with Starlift Queen of the bands, 1971, ST. Thomas Girl 1972 and Jerico 1974, and memorable Panorama performances such as Bongo, Man in Pajama Suit, and Pan Running Wild to name just a few. This Giant Steel orchestra did not enter Panorama 2016 and as I understood when the Judges turned up at their Pan yard for their 2018 Prelims they were greeted to a deserted Pan yard. Granted they has a split a few years ago that formed Solo Pan Knights and they came back together recently as Solo Harmonites. So WHATS UP with this former 4 times Panorama giants, are they alive and kicking, I am sure fans and supporters both Local and Expats are concerned about their future and wonder if we will ever hear from them again in future Panoramas. This is just a time out from discussing who has the most points, who is dangerous, is this the year for a south band to win and many others things. So lets give our blessings and hope we will hear from Solo Harmonites for panorama 2019.
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There was a split in Solo Harmonites and another band Pan Knights was formed. The sponsor moved over with them as Owen Serrette was the manager, leaving Harmonites without a sponsor. They struggled for a while until the picked up a "UNC" sponsor in S.I.S. That did not last long. Both bands had their struggles and the Morvant community felt that their should be one band,so their was a reunion and a return of Solo's sponsorship as long as Owen Serrette was involved. There were internal problems regarding music, with players not wanting to learn tunes from each other's band. Elections came and Serrette was voted out and the sponsor walked with him.Players from the two bands then hooked up with different bands for panorama,leaving Harmonites to struggle. I would hope that the community can get their act together again so that Harmonites can once again be a force to be reckoned with.
A very sad story indeed.
They need some young blood but are in a difficult area.
Ok Anthony, but for those of us who do not know anything are they functioning, What is the future of the former road runners #1 ?
True they are in a difficult area but there are other bands around that area that still operate, so I will have to say the problem is with management.
Solo Harmonites Steel Orchestra - Lord Kitchener's "The Wrecker" (1968)
Harmonites - Panama (Slow version)
1988 Steelband Panorama, Clive Bradley arranger in a tribute to Earl Rodney
Earl: Ah really admire you. Every time you put up a TOPIC -- people does come from all over and support your TOPIC!!!
Yuh have your finger on THE PULSE!!!
Earl: Me and bugs and Sabrina is the best of friends. And we just waiting on a reference from Markus G and he is going to be a part of the GANG OF FOUR. Like yuh eh listening to the NEW MUSIC or what: THIS IS THE YEAR FOR LOVE!!!
Ah doh know about bringing back SOLO HARMONITES -- that is a TALL ORDER!!! I have an UNPROVEN THEORY that I am testing. It states that if OLD MEN keep thinking about THE PRESENT and THE FUTURE -- they will LIVE LONGER. But if they expend all their thoughts trying to bring the SIXTIES back into 2018 and beyond -- they sure to end up with DEMENTIA.
I'm with you Claude. Sabrina and I are cool.